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  1. user-87950

    1. a) Solang targets Sawtooth, Burrow, and hopes to add other ledgers

      b) ewasm is webassembly. The different ledgers all use standard webassembly; they only differ in "host" functions, i.e. functions available to the wasm environment to access contract storage or chain information.

      The ledgers define what these functions look like, Solang just follows the specifications for those ledgers. In fact, I hope that a collaboration like Solang would help to define a common set of host functions across ledgers.

      1. Solang moves HL projects toward blockchain apps and the huge inclusive web developer community GDG (Google Developer Groups) et al.

        e.g. PDOs hardware security > LLVM > Rust > wasm / ewasm > fine grain object capabilities > ES/JS > SES compartments ('erights') > DAML apps.

        Long term. Nice a 'CanIUse' status tool across HL projects. i.e As the browser projects have (imagine) caniuse.com/#search=PDO  

  2. user-87950

  3. user-87950

    1. Yes, everyone is welcome to join.  Meetings are Thursday at 7:00 AM Pacific time.  All Hyperledger meetings are in the calendar, so that's your best reference for finding meeting information.