
  • AIP 2.0

Date:  (12PM Los Angeles, 3PM New York, Tuesday at 7AM Sydney)

Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming

community for all. For more information

please visit the Hyperledger Code of Conduct.


Welcome / Introductions


April 20-22 - IIW

June 8-10 Hyperledger Global Forum

Related Meetings Review

  • Ursa - 
  • SSI in IoT WG
  • Indy Contributors - Every 2nd Tuesday 8am US/Pacific - CI/CD of Indy Node and Plenum, Ubuntu 20.04 release, indy-sdk ready
  • Indy DID Method Tuesdays 7am Pacific - Last: The possibility of adding a data element to a NYM to enable full DIDDoc support, eliminating the need for finding related DID+ATTRIB.
  • 2021-03-11 : Identity Implementers WG Call (9am MT / 4pm UTC) – Renata Toktar (Evernym) will give a presentation / demo on a new process called "ledger freeze" and how that works with Indy ledgers.
  • DIF DIDComm WG - Monday's at Noon US/Pacific - Sam Curren (Mon) - DID Doc services, etc.
  • Aries Bifold / Aries Mobileagent React Native - early community discussions
  • TrustoverIP Saturn5 Interop Testing

Upcoming Releases and Work Updates

  • Aries Protocol Test Suite
    • Instructions, docker added - Try It!
    • Issue, credential, and proof tests are merged.
    • esatus backchannel
    • OOB protocol testing added (phase 1)
    • Regular friday meetings, contact Keith Smith for details
  • Aries Agent Test Harness
    • Added a new public status page to summarize the latest results of the interop testing (combinations of ACA-Py, Aries Framework .NET, Aries Framework Go and Aries Framework JavaScript):
      • Looking for more participants - Evernym, Aries-VCX, etc.
      • Looking for someone to add a Mobile Wallet Test Agent
        • Kiva looking to do this with mobile agent and mediator
  • Aries Shared Components
  • Aries-CloudAgent-Python
    • Release 0.6.0 tagged and image posted.
    • In Progress:
      • BDD test suite of integration tests that supplement the AATH tests – different startup options, e.g. multi-tenancy, mediator, etc.
      • Credential Exchange V2 (0454) – almost done
      • Present-Proof v2
      • Shared Components: Fully functional branch that uses the shared libraries, not indy-sdk
    • Started:
      • Getting to W3C Verifiable Credential support with ZKP and Selective Disclosure
        • DHS SVIP JSON-LD Verifiable Credential exchange in Aries Protocols
      • Plans for this is outlined here:
  • Aries-Framework-Go (Troy) #aries-go
  • Aries-SDK-Ruby (Jack)
  • Aries-Framework-DotNet (Tomislav)
    • Revocation intervals affecting search - fix submitted.
  • Aries-Toolbox
  • Aries-SDK-Java
  • Aries-Framework-JavaScript - Framework JS Meetings
    • Starting next week meetings will be held at Thursday 7:00 AM MST / 3:00 PM CET
  • Aries-Bifold - Aries Bifold Meetings
    • Defined goals for the project
    • Working to merge Animo's usage of Aries-Framework-Javascript
      • Connections and receiving credential issuance
  • Rich Schemas and W3C Verifiable Credentials (Brent & Ken)
    • Some work has been done to support the W3C Verifiable Credentials Data Model specification
    • Modifications to use BBS+ LD sigs as a first step - early exploration.
  • Aries-MobileAgent-Xamarin (Aries MAX) -
    • Ideas:
      • Automatic offer acceptance/managing credentials
      • Machine readable governance
  • Ursa


Next Week

  • Different topics - what should we be talking about? What should we be showing?
  • RFC Housekeeping - how should we be tracking impls
  • RFCs for Indy AnonCred attachments, JSON-LD attachments (at least) and perhaps BBS+ attachments.
  • JWE Envelope discussion.
  • Perhaps: What's Wrong with OOB and DID Exchange and what should we be doing? - George Aristy

Future Topics

  • Schema interop - how to reuse a schema across different networks Robert Mitwicki(RFC in progress)
  • Using WebSocket as a way to communicate back to the mobile/desktop wallet (Agent (services or user) as a proxy for communication between service and digital wallet) Robert Mitwicki 

Action items

  File Modified
Text File dummyfile.txt Replaced video attachment for Atlassian cloud migration Sep 12, 2024 by Anton Baranov
Text File dummyfile.txt Replaced video attachment for Atlassian cloud migration Sep 12, 2024 by Anton Baranov
Text File chat.txt Mar 11, 2021 by Sam Curren

  • No labels