Overview of Proposal

The Criteria for First Major Release currently includes:

  • Project has reached active status (the processes and community are mature)

In practice this criteria is sometimes very difficult if not impossible to meet while the software being developed is otherwise worthy of a major release. This proposes to forgo this criteria.

It should be noted that if it is decided to forgo the Incubation state this issue becomes moot.

Formal Proposal(s)

Forgo Active state requirement for First Major Release.

Action Items

  • Type your task here, using "@" to assign to a user and "//" to select a due date

Reviewed By


  1. In the last TSC meeting, Chris mentioned that First Major Release didn't necessarily correspond to v1.0 when we defined it, but rather the idea that a First Major Release would have:

    1. Marketing dedicated to it
    2. Security scan completed

    I would like to see us do a better job of defining First Major Release is.

    Also, based on Project Lifecycle, the project can choose to request First Major Release if it is still in incubation:

    ...must seek approval of the TSC whether in Active or Incubation status as defined above. While it is expected that most projects will have reached an Active status by the time their maintainers seek to announce a first major release, the TSC may approve such requests also in cases where the project is still in Incubation status, should the TSC believe that the project's code is sufficiently mature.

    1. Hart pointed out that a recent decision has changed this: Issue 2: What are the criteria for a "First Major Release"?

      Prior to bringing a project to the TSC for a vote on granting a First Major Release a project must fulfill the following criteria: 

      1. Project has reached active status (the processes and community are mature)
      1. Indeed, this is captured in the Decision Log: Criteria for First Major Release

  2. Ry Jones : We voted on this last week? Can you let me know why I am reviewing this again?

    Proposal: Abandon Forgo Active state requirement for First Major Release

    • Forego active requirement for first major release?
    • Vote: 1 yes, 1 abstain, 8 no. REJECTED.
    1. My editing of the page cleared all the votes (sad)