Project Health

Hyperledger Bevel continues to grow strong in terms of community interest . It has a diverse global community with contributors from multiple organizations and geographies.

The project community participation in the sprint planning's and community calls had reduced compared to last quarter, though we see active participation and queries on Bevel Discord channel

Required Information

Have you switched from master to main in all your repos? Yes

Have you implemented the Common Repository Structure in all your repos? Yes

Has your project implemented these inclusive language changes listed below to your repo?

  • master → main
  • slave → replicas
  • blacklist → denylist
  • whitelist → allowlist

You can optionally use the DCI Lint tool to make this a recurring action on your repo. Yes

Have you added an Inclusive Language Statement to your project's documentation and/or Wiki pages? In Progress

Questions/Issues for the TSC

None at the moment.


Release change log for - intermittent release v0.11.0.2

Tag v0.11.01 =>

  • Final support of flux v1

Overall Activity in the Past Quarter

  1. Hyperledger Bevel workshop series 
  2. Fabric external chaincode demo 
  3. Upgraded Bevel platforms to use Flux v2
  4. Upgraded Bevel platforms for k8s 1.20+
  5. Added feature/mixed-org branch to support bevel fabric deployment allowing orderer & peer in same org.

Current Plans

  1. Documentation updates and improvements.
  2. Ambassador upgrade.
  3. HL Besu and supplychain ref. app integration.
  4. Enable all platforms network communication over tls.
  5. Release 0.12.0 planned for 29th Aug.

Maintainer Diversity

The current maintainers to the project belongs from different geographies and organizations.

List of maintainers and their details are as follows -

Jonathan M HamiltonAccentureNorth America
Sownak RoyAccentureUK
Tracy KuhrtAccentureNorth America
Suvajit SarkarAccentureSouth Asia
Arun S MWalmartSouth Asia
Weihong OuWalmartNorth America

Contributor Diversity;quicktime=time_filter_3M

Our contributor strength has increased in this quarter compared to the previous quarter, which is great news!

Additional Information


Reviewed By

Submission date

$action.dateFormatter.formatGivenString("dd-MMM-yyyy", $content.getCreationDate())


  1. Suvajit Sarkar: If this is ready for review by the TSC, please add the TSC as reviewers to the bottom of the web page similar to what you see in the template.

  2. Have added the TSC members for review.

  3. Suvajit Sarkar if I understand the report correctly, the only code level activities in the past quarter was the following:

    • Added feature/mixed-org branch to support bevel fabric deployment allowing orderer & peer in same org

    If that's accurate, it seems very low for a brand new top level project. You may want to add some comments in the Project Health section to acknowledge this and add some justifications. Also if there's anything the TSC or the HL staff can do to help, please also add to the content.

  4. Hi Jim Zhang 

    The upgrade to flux v2 required code changes in flux setup role, along with changes and testing effort in all 6 supported DLT platform.
    Minor code change and testing efforts were required for K8s 1.20+ support. We have recently add certificated refresh operational feature for HL Fabric platform, apologies for not adding it in report as the feature got completed couple of days back. Two other features are in-progress and awaiting code push.

    Adding the link to issues closed for more details:

  5. Though as stated in project health section we do see reduction in community people participating in the project sprint planning's and community calls, but fair activity on discord could be suggestive of people working on Bevel but in silos. We could use some help to figure our how to incentivize the community to contribute back

    1. Suvajit Sarkar – We'd be happy to work with you on looking at what's going on in the community to see how to get more people involved in the sprint planning and how we can incentivize people to contribute back.  Feel free to reach out to me directly and we can talk about this more over email or a call.