Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit our Code of Conduct: Hyperledger Code of Conduct


Quarterly reports

Upcoming reports


  • TSC Election Retrospective
  • New TSC member introductions
  • What does this TSC want to accomplish (Goals/Objectives)
    • Restart dormant working groups
    • Getting started with the projects
    • Sponsoring a project that ties together different projects to encourage cross-pollination and showcasing the projects
    • Attracting new projects/contributors
    • Make Hyperledger a great place to bring projects
    • Focus on diversity and inclusion
    • Continuation of the "breaking the silos" discussion
    • Trim/prune the garden
    • Ask the community what to do more/less of
    • Whitepaper that helps with the challenges with consortium building and answers recurring questions
    • Appreciate the best of the projects that we have in Hyperledger
    • Sharing the cool tech that the existing projects are working on
    • Incentivize TSC members to go to meetings for projects/groups that they are not involved in to learn and increase collaboration

Project Proposals (from hyperledger/hyperledger-hips)

An error occured while executinng macro:

Access token 4 not found


Blockchain automation framework is an upcoming proposal that we will invite to the next meeting for presentation and discussion.

Backlog (from hyperledger/tsc)

An error occured while executinng macro:

Access token 4 not found



  File Modified
Text File dummyfile.txt Replac ZIP attachments for Atlassian cloud migration Sep 17, 2024 by Anton Baranov
Text File dummyfile.txt Replace video attachments for Atlassian cloud migration Sep 17, 2024 by Anton Baranov

Attended by:

  • No labels


  1. Peter Somogyvari, you can't check your attendance before the meeting (wink)!

  2. Hart Montgomery You caught me, I'm a time traveler! (smile)

  3. Tracy Kuhrt I assume when you said "we will invite to the next meeting for presentation and discussion" for BAF, you meant not tomorrow (10/28) but next week (11/4)?

    1. Correct. Thanks for clarifying. We will not discuss in detail BAF tomorrow.