Hyperledger sends out a developer newsletter that contains updates and interesting developer related news from the Hyperledger Community. To sign up to receive the newsletter go here: https://www.hyperledger.org/developer-newsletter

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The archive of past newsletters by year:

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  1. A Working Group in the Hyperledger AnonCreds project is starting on the AnonCreds v2.0 design. The focus of the Working Group is on deciding what is to be included in a breaking change implementation of AnonCreds. The goal of AnonCreds v2.0 (until we decide differently) is to retain and extend the privacy-preserving features of AnonCreds v1.0, while improving capabilities, performance, and security.

    The first meeting of the working group is Monday, Feb. 20, 2023 at 10:00 Pacific / 19:00 Central Europe. 
    The Working Group Meeting agendas and Zoom link are: Meetings: AnonCreds v2.0 Working Group

    Everyone is welcome! When specification work starts on v2.0, we will use the Community Specification License 1.0.

  2. Next Week's Identity Special Interest Group: Next Thurs June 15 at 11amET/8am PT, TOC member Stephen Curran will present "Understanding Zero Knowledge Proofs With High School Math", his talk from OSSNA. Details here. Please join us!