
The focus of the Climate Research Working Group (CRWG) is to promote mutual understanding, collaborative activities, and interdisciplinary climate action through research. Therefore, we have decided to open a new Research Working Group to focus on studying DLT applications while targeting climate actions.


The current scope of Climate Research Working Group includes: 

  1. Working on ideas, proof of concepts, use cases and functional architectures of DLT's
  2. Connecting academia to industrial towards building a Climate Research Consortium. 
  3. Sharing stories of successes, opportunities and challenges;
  4. Promoting products and open sources of SIG
  5. Writing research papers to submit to good places (Hyperledger Research, peer-review journals, conferences)

Get Involved

This is an open source project and anyone is welcome to get involved and we will be happy to see you contribute.

1) Start by subscribing to the Climate SIG mailing list for updates and meeting notifications.

2) See our How to Contribute page for other ways how you could get involved. 

Please visit the Climate Action and Accounting Resources Page for past recordings, articles, and published papers.

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  1. Lam NguyenHave you ever read about Ellinor Ostrom?  She won the Nobel prize for studying how to manage collective resources such as water rights and the environment.  

  2. Here's something we talked about during today's call about energy use of different blockchains: https://www.xdaichain.com/about-xdai/news-and-information/xdai-energy-efficiency

  3. Hi everyone, I am new to this WG and would like to contribute to the discussion. 

  4. Welcome Kris Stern! Great to meet you and thanks for your interest in contributing. I hope you will be able to join us for tomorrows General call and introduce yourself. It will not be the normal format for our bi-weekly calls because we have a guest speaker, but there should be some opportunity to engage with the group. Are there any specific areas of interest that you have around our work or are you exploring right now? 

    1. Sure Sherwood MooreWill be there tomorrow to join the call and introduce myself. I am exploring what I could contribute to so have no specific areas of interest at the moment. 

      1. Kris SternHave you read this BIS working paper: The pricing of carbon risk in syndicated loans: which risks are priced and why?  Is this part of what you're working on with credit risk?  If so it's an area I have experience with as well, and we can talk about this.

        1. Si ChenThanks for the sharing! Actually I am going through the piece right now after you introduced it to me. Currently my work focuses more traditional approaches so we have yet to touch upon issues of environment and sustainability, but we do have long term plans to factor into our model climate, or carbon, risk. Sure, we could discuss about this. 

  5. Wondering if anybody is interested in academic finance research and climate.  I wrote this to start the dialog: Why Finance Professors Think Sustainable Green Investing is a Fad--and Why It's Dangerous

    1. Thanks for sharing that.  I also found this article about how the new emissions trading scheme in China works: https://www.carbonbrief.org/in-depth-qa-will-chinas-emissions-trading-scheme-help-tackle-climate-change