

Due date


We should declare the initial set of OOB (Out-Of-the-Box) Iroha Special Instructions for Hyperledger Iroha 2.0.0 release.


Iroha whitepaper, current implementation and users' expectations are different in terms of out-of-the-box Iroha Special Instructions set.

To have some expected result in Iroha 2.0.0 we need to define the stable set of these instructions. Part of this work was made in Iroha Special Instructions DSL, here we will focus on instructions set, not how they work and how to use them.


The good solution will be to define taxonomy and ontology on some full set of Iroha Special Instructions, had a strong agreement on categories and naming, with an ability to modify resulting set with small changes.

Use this agreement to update the White Paper, build current implementation and align users' expectations. 


Split out-of-the-box instructions into the following categories:

  • Domain related
    • Register/Unregister<Identifiable>
    • Mint/Burn<Id, Value>
    • Transfer<Id, Value, Id>
  • Math
    • Integer
      • Add/Substract<EvaluatesTo<u32>, EvaluatesTo<u32>>
      • Multiply/Divide<EvaluatesTo<u32>, EvaluatesTo<u32>>
      • RaiseTo<EvaluatesTo<u32>, EvaluatesTo<u32>>
      • Mod<EvaluatesTo<u32>, EvaluatesTo<u32>>
    • Comparison:
      • Equate<Value, Value>
      • Greater/Less<EvaluatesTo<u32>, EvaluatesTo<u32>>
    • Bool
      • Not<EvaluatesTo<bool>>
      • And/Or<EvaluatesTo<bool>, EvaluatesTo<bool>>
  • Compositions
    • Sequence<Vec<Instruction>>
    • Pair<Instruction, Instruction>
    • If<EvaluatesTo<bool>, Instruction, Option<Instruction>>
  • Vectors
    • Contains<EvaluatesTo<Vec<Value>>, EvaluatesTo<Value>>
    • ContainsAny/ContainsAll<EvaluatesTo<Vec<Value>>, EvaluatesTo<Vec<Value>>>
  • Variables
    • Where<Value, BTreeMap<String, Value>>
    • ContextValue<String>
  • Queries
    • Execute<Query>
  • Misc
    • Fail<String>

Provide a set of possible domain-related instructions:

  • Register/Unregister
    • Register or unregister Domain in Peer
    • Register or unregister Account in Domain
    • Register or unregister Asset Definition in Domain
    • Register or unregister Peer Id in Peer 
    • Register or unregister Signatory in Account
  • Mint
    • Mint or burn value to or from an Asset 
  • Fees
    • Register or unregister TransactionFee (e.g., fixed, percentage, DEX-swapped)

Provide a set of tools for DeFi:

  • Register DEX
    • Register or unregister DEX (DEXManager) in Domain
  • Register Liquidity Source
    • Register or unregister XYK Pool in DEX
    • Register or unregister Order Book in DEX
  • Set liquidity fees
    • Register or unregister LiquidityFee (e.g., buy back and burn, pool share, etc.)

Provide a set of tools for Digital Identity (


  • Do not have categories and generic instructions using a plain set of instructions like "AddDomain, RegisterAccount" - as cons we can point out naming and extensibility problems
  • Do not have granularity and differences between register, mint, add - as cons we can point out different business-related meanings for similar actions and to a wide set of options in one bucket


  • A too big or too small set of out-of-the-box instructions can be hard to maintain or not sufficient for users needs
  • Iroha 1 users can struggle from the new naming

Assumptions - document any assumption that you made

  • We did not make a final decision about "Iroha Modules" related instructions (DEX, Bridge, Permissions, etc.) and their inclusion into out-of-the-box set yet


  • Set will be incomplete from the users' perspective `[5;2]`
  • We missed some categories `[2;7]`

Additional Information 


  1. Math:

    Add/Remove<Value, Value>

    I think there should be something like Add/Substract

    Pair<Instruction, Instruction>

    Sequence is a more generalized version of the Pair instruction, so do we really need the second one?

    Mint/Demint<Id, Value>

    I would consider the word "Burn" instead of "Demint" because it used more often as I noticed

    1. Vladislav Markushin thank you - I will change naming, what about Pair vs Sequence, I think we can do both, because sequence need a vec as container while pair can work with pure instructions.

  2. >Mod<Value, Value>

    What is the purpose of this instruction& Get module of a number or remainder of the division?

    Generally review
    Composition section completeness is difficult to evaluate not knowing how it planned to be used and which possibilities are planned to provide about realtime interaction with peer state. 

    1. Thanks Iurii Vinogradov, by "module of a number" you mean `abs`?

      About composition section completeness - can I ask you to share you thoughts? What's difficult and maybe what questions arise looking at them - we will try to provide examples in docs.

      1. I think an example about the case mentioned earlier: Distributions of something to multiple users(all users, all Pool liquidity providers) will give more understanding for the beginning.

        Also, I think it is good to review other attempts to create not Turing complete language for Blockchain applications. For example, one that was developed for Waves blockchain.