

  • HIPEs for plugin helpers
  • Status of indy-node CI/CD and Ubuntu upgrade
  • Status of upcoming indy-sdk release and follow up issues
  • Demo of freeze ledgers functionality

Recording from the call: dummyfile.txt

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  • @name (Employer) <email>

Related Calls and Announcements

Release Status and Work Updates

  • Indy Node
    • Functionality to remove tokens led by Richard Esplin
      • Blocked by system test dependency on sovrin.deb
      • Will split Sovrin specific tests in indy-test-automation into separate repo in sovrin-foundation org
        • Will break the Sovrin Jenkins pipelines further. Best fix is to setup GitHub Actions pipeline for Sovrin deb.
    • GitHub actions led by Kevin Griffin
      • We need a GHA pipeline for Ubuntu 16.04 and Ubuntu 20.04 so that we can test in both.
      • The Ubuntu upgrade must interoperate with the then-current 16.04 release, so that we can organize the "one node at a time" Steward OS upgrades.
    • Ubuntu 20.04 upgrade led by Robin Klemens andRyan Marsh
    • New branching model led by Wade Barnes
      • Documenting plan (HIPE?)
      • Merging Stable to Master (Renata Toktar's next task)
      • Rename Master to Main
      • Releasing what is currently in Master
      • Evernym can help merge and test.
  • Indy SDK
    • Next release in progress, led by Ian Costanzo Wade Barnes
      • Release done?
      • Wade needs to do some work to make sure artifact publishing happens smoothly.  May be this week, but lots on Wade.
    • GitHub actions led by Patrik Stas
    • Indy Node release needs a build of Indy SDK with freeze ledgers to do system tests. Currently blocked with publishing to pypi.
  • Indy Monitoring -
  • Indy/Aries Shared Libraries - donated to Hyperledger (indy-vdr, indy-shared-rs, aries-askar)
  • Ursa
  • Hyperledger Contribution Campaign (Richard Esplin Stephen Curran )

Meeting Topics

  • HIPEs for helpers to remove plugins: PR 162
    • Freeze ledgers
    • Fees in Indy
  • Demo of freeze ledgers transaction Renata Toktar(10 minutes)
  • GitHub actions led by Kevin Griffin - We need a GHA pipeline for Ubuntu 16.04
    • CI for Indy Node - merged
    • CD for Indy Node - active development - no official PR ready
    • CI/CD for Indy Plenum - draft done - a couple cleanups before merging, but still need to add the publishing part of CD
    • Completion of Sovrin release to produce final artifacts 
  • Ubuntu 20.04 Ryan Marsh, Robin Klemens
    • Working on tests related to Python 3.8 upgrade – most are running, 4-5 to go, parallel looking at specific packages to be updated
  • PR from Stable to Master - some conflicts, but will be done before the next meeting.

Future Calls

Next call:


  • Can we merge HIPEs for helpers to remove plugins: PR 162 ?
  • Indy Node, and CODEOWNERS in Indy Node and Indy Plenum
    • Hyperledger standard Maintainers document?
    • Should include WadeBarnes Toktar brentzundel esplinr sergey.khoroshavin

    • Should also include udosson, m00sey, ianco, and askolesov ?

  • Status of Indy-SDK release
    • Statement on the future of the Indy SDK: PR 2329
    • Plans for future of Indy CLI (move to Indy VDR?)
    • Indy SDK in test for Indy Node (move to Indy VDR?)
    • Status of GitHub Actions for the Indy-SDK
  • Indy bugs
    • Using GitHub tags "Good First Issue" and "Help Wanted" 
    • Node 1490: problems with large catch-up
    • Plenum 1506: view change message consensus calculation error
  • Hyperledger campaign to recruit additional developers.

Action items