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Quarterly reports

  • 2021 Q4 Hyperledger Burrow (due )
  • 2021 Q4 Hyperledger Explorer (due )
  • 2021 Q4 Hyperledger Avalon (due )
  • 2021 Q4 Hyperledger Ursa (due )
  • 2021 Q4 Hyperledger Besu (due )
  • 2021 Q4 Hyperledger Caliper (due )

Upcoming reports

  • 2022 Q1 Hyperledger Cactus (due )
  • 2022 Q1 Hyperledger Fabric (due )
  • 2022 Q1 Hyperledger Sawtooth (due )


  • Moving Burrow to Dormant state - we have been notified by Casey Kuhlman at Monax that they would like to move Burrow to a Dormant state
    • Approved by voice vote


Project Proposals (from hyperledger/hyperledger-hips)

An error occured while executinng macro:

Access token 7 not found


Backlog (from hyperledger/tsc)

An error occured while executinng macro:

Access token 7 not found



  File Modified
File TSC 2022 JAN 06.transcript.vtt Jan 06, 2022 by Ry Jones
Text File dummyfile.txt Replac ZIP attachments for Atlassian cloud migration Sep 17, 2024 by Anton Baranov
Text File dummyfile.txt Replace video attachments for Atlassian cloud migration Sep 17, 2024 by Anton Baranov

Attended by:

  • No labels


  1. Dormant state definition in the TSC states "ones in which the normal functions are suspended or slowed down for a period of time". It could mean that a new code can go in the Dormant state project. Other projects within Hyperledger have integrations with Burrow. Probably, need to inform each of those projects to be prepared for the unforeseen situations or at least get an agreement from the Burrow team to support critical issues.

      1. From Shawn Amundson:

        Seth's implementation currently uses an old forked version of Burrow, so Burrow's status change would not impact the current version of Seth. Seth itself has not been very active as most of the activity has remained with Sabre. We are planning an upgrade of the Sawtooth website later in the month (primarily to make it easier to change) and we could mark Seth as officially deprecated after that to avoid confusion.