
Hyperledger Transact -

Project Health

Health is good. A lot of continued interest in the project and development continues on new features. New development includes a Go SDK, initiated by a community user.

Questions/Issues for the TSC

No issues currently.


Since project creation, the project has had 12 releases. The current release is 0.2.4. The releases are available on

Overall Activity in the Past Quarter

Continued incremental improvements to the initial code base. Additional activity shown below. The primary method of discussion continues to be held in RocketChat.

Current Plans

Next steps include:

  • Stabilize SQLite database support
  • Add next-generation smart contract API / simplified smart contracts (cross-project w/Sawtooth, in-progress)
  • Add PostgreSQL database support
  • Further develop Transact SDK for JavaScript

Maintainer Diversity

The maintainer diversity currently matches that of the initial project sponsor companies.

Contributor Diversity

There are new contributors, primarily related to the new Go SDK.

Additional Information


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  1. Maybe it is just me, but I don't see much if any activity for Transact. The last commit on Transact repo was May 4, the last Jira update was October 19, 2019. The mailing list is unused except for spam, and the RC chat is sparse at best.

    1. Most of the activity has been in consuming/using it. Transact is a mature enough library that a lot of the use cases in the last few months have been satisfied and didn't cause a need for additional feature development. As those ledgers evolve, we expect Transact to evolve to meet their needs.