Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit the Hyperledger Code of Conduct.


Date: Thursday, February 9, 2023

Time: 10:30pm IST / 6:00pm CET / 5:00pm GMT / 12:00pm EST / 9:00am PST

Meeting link: https://zoom.us/my/hyperledger.community.backup?pwd=dkJKdHRlc3dNZEdKR1JYdW40R2pDUT09

Zoom Meeting ID: 622 333 6701          Passcode: 475869


Upcoming events



  • Hyperledger general update - Daniela Barbosa, Executive Director of Hyperledger
    • 40.06k Contributors
    • Hyperledger is 7 years old, founder December 17, 2015
    • 180+ Meetups worldwide
    • Hyperledger is here to foster the developers and the industries
    • 6 graduated projects (Aries, Besu, Fabric, Indy, Iroha, Sawtooth), 10 incubated projects
      • Fabric: started 2015, 11 releases in 2022
      • Hyperledger Fabric Roadmap
      • Hyperledger Fabric is preferred solution for 38% of top 100 companies (incl. Microsoft, SAP, Cisco, Accenture)
    • Hyperledger Indy: Started 2016
      • Being used for digital identity and creditialing
    • 2019: Hyperledger Labs given more structure
      • Spectrum of blockchains - permissioned vs. Permissionless, Public vs. Private
      • Hyperledger Besu started
        • Besu is adding a lot of value to the Hyperledger mainnet
        • Continues to be adopted in many circumstances, including central bank digital currencies
      • Today: Hyperledger Labs supports a Network of Networks
        • There is a need for interoperability for integrating digital ledgers
        • There are 6 interoperability projects under Hyperledger Foundation
    • Hyperledger Cactus introduced 2020, rebranded as Hyperledger Cacti in 2022
      • Cactus code and Weaver code are being woven together
      • Pluggable architecture, secure by default
      • For networks of networks that want to operate with one another
    • 2020: Hyperledger grew from the Hyperledger Project to the Hyperledger Foundation
    • 2021: Hyperledger Bevel and Firefly projects introduced
      • Bevel: work around Fabric operator
      • Firefly: first open source Supernode. A complete stack for enterprises to build and scale secure Web3 applications. Firefly API for digital assets, data flows
        • Eliminates need for custom coding and plumbing, just updating business application layer
        • Community has a lot of content, workshops, posted online
      • Hybrid blockchain: value is safely exchanged across permissioned or private and permissionless or public blockchains.
        • No need to hold crypto
        • More predictable transaction lifecycle
        • Higher throughput
        • Desirable to allow digital assets (in public chains) to flow to and from the ecosystem, built around the gas-free chain
    • 2022: Hyperledger Solang and AnonCreds
      • Solang: portable Solidity compiler
        • Facilitates access
      • AnonCreds: Pulled out of HL Indy
        • Ledger agnostic
        • About to launch Open Wallet Foundation
    • Project Services:
    • More than 30 use cases posted to HJL website, including a recent one on trade finance.
    • HL is publishing research reports, attending live events, has YouTube library
    • Presentation deck:
    • Hyperledger members fund Hyperledger through annual membership fees
    • HL Showcase website allows us to search submitted projects. Can filter by type. https://www.hyperledger.org/learn/blockchain-showcase 
    • Possible projects:
      • An AirTable of just Hyperledger Supply Chain initiatives for the SIG wiki
      • eBook: Hyperledger in Action for Supply Chain


Erik Valiquette 

Andrea Frosinini 

Alicia Noel 

Daniela Barbosa 

Sophia Brumann

Ayhan Köseoğlu 


Jeff Pribich 

  • No labels

1 Comment

  1. Andrea Frosinini Erik Valiquette  and Tom Klein 

    Thank you for inviting me to today's SIG meeting and thank you all for attending (or watching the recording!).

    We have added the links to the youtube listing and embedded the video above. thanks!