- Created by Ry Jones, last modified by Alicia Noel on Feb 08, 2024
Description | Hyperledger Supply Chain and Trade Finance Special Interest Group (ST-SIG) represents a global membership of Logistics, Supply Chain and Trade Finance professionals united in advancing the state of the supply chain industry through the implementation of enterprise-grade technology solutions utilizing the Hyperledger greenhouse of business blockchain frameworks and tools. |
Introduction and Scope
Hyperledger Supply Chain and Trade Finance Special Interest Group (ST-SIG) represents a global membership of Logistics, Supply Chain and Trade Finance professionals united in advancing the state of the supply chain industry through the implementation of enterprise-grade technology solutions utilizing the Hyperledger greenhouse of business blockchain frameworks and tools.
The activities of the Supply Chain and Trade Finance SIG include:
Identifying related reference architectures (for example business and integration architecture, technical and infrastructure architecture), frameworks such as Hyperledger Grid, and models (OSI), use cases, current pilots and proofs of concept, and production case studies;
Sharing stories of successes, failures, opportunities and challenges;
Exploring and addressing cross-cutting architectural principles, options and decisions like performance and scalability, security, identity management and privacy, and identity in logistic contexts
Working towards proposing solutions to the problems identified;
Identifying the business community and building an inclusive platform for early adopters to contribute with their experiences
Supply Chain best practices, awareness of and working in accordance with such rules as customs & import export regulations
Here are the complete scopes and charters of the Supply Chain SIG and the Trade Finance SIG, the two SIGs which were combined to create the Supply Chain and Trade Finance SIG.
SIG biannual reports track SIG progress since its inception.
Getting Involved
You are invited to get involved with the Supply Chain and Trade Finance SIG. Here are some ways you can get started.
- Attend our regular meetings
Group Updates
All Hyperledger meetings are run covered by the following Antitrust Policy.
Hyperledger Community Calendar and SIG meeting Invite | |
Online meeting URL | https://zoom.us/j/6223336701?pwd=dkJKdHRlc3dNZEdKR1JYdW40R2pDUT09 |
Dial in details | Zoom Meeting ID: 622 333 6701 |
Phone numbers (USA) | +1 646 558 8656 (New York) +1 312 626 6799 (Chicago) +1 301 715 8592 (Washington DC) +1 669 900 6833 (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 (Houston) |
Toll-free numbers (USA) | +1 (855) 880-1246 +1 (877) 369-0926 |
iPhone (one-tap) | +16699006833,,6223336701# +16465588656,,6223336701# |
International numbers | https://zoom.us/u/bAaJoyznp |
Meeting agendas, notes, and recordings can be found in the SCTF-SIG General Meetings section of this wiki.
Communication Channels
These are the mechanisms that this working group uses to communicate.
Mailing List
Chat Channel
Activity of the Group
Links to Ongoing Work
The SIG created the first edition of the Hyperledger in Action: Supply Chain and Trade Finance ebook in 2023. We are currently discussing potential projects for 2024, on our Planning and Suggestions page. Check notes from recent meetings (in the SCTF-SIG General Meetings folder) to learn more.
Links to Completed Work
Our most recent biannual report on our SIG Biannual Reports page.
How to Get Involved
Attend our next meeting.
Subscribe to the mailing list.
Follow us on LinkedIn.
The SIG is currently creating an ebook about supply chain and trade finance projects that use Hyperledger. Check the eBook planning page and notes from recent meetings (in the 2023 SIG Meetings folder) to learn more.
New to Hyperledger? You'll need a Linux Foundation ID (LFID) to edit our wiki pages and chat on Hyperledger channels. Here's how to create your LFID: Written directions | Youtube Video directions.
Stay Informed. Join our email list to receive regular updates about SC+TF SIG meetings and events
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Recent space activity
1 Comment
Jeff Pribich
During our meeting earlier today(6/15) I mentioned this very large success story surrounding the use of blockchain technology for the pharma industry supply chain. Initially, Hyperledger Fabric was the platform for this particular supply chain implementation. The reason for the transition to a different platform was never a topic in the discussion described in the attached MSWord doc. In any case, some or most credit should go to Fabric in the success spectrum considering it was used for the proof of concept and , I'm guessing just a bit here, in the ROI for the use of blockchain to meet the need of the business case for the Pharma industry.
BIG blockchain industry group interview Chronicled-MediLedger.docx