(Meeting Link: ⁨https://zoom.us/j/97540031823?pwd=dEJrRW1LakFlWnZPelI3VGxoVjg2dz09)

EMEA Friendly Time (https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html?iso=20220607T150000&p1=224&p2=179&p3=1440&p4=195&p5=47)

  • 8 am Tuesday Los Angeles time
  • 11 am Tuesday New York time
  • 17h Tuesday Paris time


Work Updates

  File Modified
File GMT20220705-150521_Recording.transcript.vtt Jul 07, 2022 by Ry Jones
Text File GMT20220705-150521_Recording.txt Jul 07, 2022 by Ry Jones
Text File dummyfile.txt Replac ZIP attachments for Atlassian cloud migration yesterday at 3:30 pm by Anton Baranov
Text File dummyfile.txt Replac ZIP attachments for Atlassian cloud migration yesterday at 4:59 pm by Anton Baranov

  • No labels


  1. I sent the email to community architect for MkDocs material sponsorship.

  2. For the Github discussion topic, I suggest another way to use them in a more creative manner: Re: Suggesting Enhancements