(Meeting Link: ⁨https://zoom.us/j/97540031823?pwd=dEJrRW1LakFlWnZPelI3VGxoVjg2dz09)

EMEA Friendly Time (https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html?iso=20220607T150000&p1=224&p2=179&p3=1440&p4=195&p5=47)

  • 8 am Tuesday Los Angeles time
  • 11 am Tuesday New York time
  • 17h Tuesday Paris time


Work Updates

  File Modified
File GMT20220705-150521_Recording.transcript.vtt Jul 07, 2022 by Ry Jones
Text File GMT20220705-150521_Recording.txt Jul 07, 2022 by Ry Jones
Text File dummyfile.txt Replac ZIP attachments for Atlassian cloud migration Sep 17, 2024 by Anton Baranov
Text File dummyfile.txt Replac ZIP attachments for Atlassian cloud migration Sep 17, 2024 by Anton Baranov

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  1. I sent the email to community architect for MkDocs material sponsorship.

  2. For the Github discussion topic, I suggest another way to use them in a more creative manner: Re: Suggesting Enhancements