Meeting Link:
EMEA/AMER Friendly Time - 1500UTC (
- 8am Tuesday (14 Apr) Los Angeles
- 11 am Tuesday (14 Apr) New York
- 3pm Tuesday (14 Apr) UTC
- 5 pm Tuesday (14 Apr) Paris/Berlin
- 1 am Wednesday (15 Apr) Brisbane
- Housekeeping
- Antitrust notice -
- This meeting is being recorded
- Please Mute unless speaking
- If you have a question use the raise hand feature
- General Announcements
- Virtual Meetups (Virtual Hyperledger Meetups):
- Hyperledger Barcelona: Thursday, April 16 at 18:00 pm UTC / 20:00 CEST: Hyperledger Barcelona hosts "Hyperledger Besu: Hyperledger Ethereum & Ethereum Stack"
- Hyperledger Argentina (Spanish): Wednesday, April 15 at 22:00 UTC / 19:00 ART: Hyperledger Argentina hosts meetup in Spanish with speakers from Hyperledger, LACChain and PegaSys
Blockchain Academy Chile: Wednesday, April 22, 2020 at 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM GMT-4: Hyperledger Besu: Ethereum para redes permisionadas (Spanish)
- Past events:
- NONCON: Besu and why Enterprise Ethereum isn't boring
- Hyperledger Denver: Besu (+Orchestrate)
- Blockchain Colombia: Besu intro
- IOBuilders meetup (Fernando Paris): Privacy with Besu and Orion
- Virtual Meetups (Virtual Hyperledger Meetups):
- Release updates
- Work Updates
- Ethereum Classic Support - Phoenix
- Native Libraries Support - Github Repo
- Other Business
- Maintain ROADMAP in Wiki instead of in Repository (Tim Beiko)
- Github Groups - moving maintainers and contributors Around (Danno Ferrin)
- New Sub-repos - one maintainer list for all of Besu or one maintainer list per github repo? (Danno Ferrin)
- Contents of ISSUE_TEMPLATE and NOTICE files in repo root (Felipe Faraggi)
- Open Forum
- Open contributor questions
- Lower Nonce error
- Open contributor questions
- Future Topics
- Request Welcome
Tim Beiko
One thing I'd like to add to the agenda: removing the file in Besu in favor of only having the Wiki version of it.
Danno Ferrin
Added to other business.
In the future feel free to edit the agenda directly.