$action.dateFormatter.formatGivenString("dd-MMM-yyyy", $content.getCreationDate()) (7:00am - 8:00am PT)

via Zoom

Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit our Code of Conduct: Hyperledger Code of Conduct

TSC Members


  • Arnaud Le Hors
  • Baohua Yang
  • Binh Nguyen
  • Christopher Ferris
  • Dan Middleton
  • Hart Montgomery
  • Kelly Olson
  • Mark Wagner
  • Mic Bowman
  • Nathan George
  • Silas Davis



  • Sao Paulo, Brazil Bootcamp is coming up June 24-25, 2019.
    • Contact Karen Ottoni & community architects to volunteer training & contributions
  • Governing board coming up.
    • Would like to gather thoughts on budget or other policy things we'd like to change.
    • Please add items to the wiki page: 2020 RFC
  • Hyperledger Fabric audit has begun with report due later this summer.

Items of discussion

  • Convector task force: does this replace the current Composer codebase?
    • Details here: Presentation to HCWG and GitHub repo
    • Need volunteers to help evaluate it.
    • The convector team thought their approach was different than Composer and they brought it do HL because Composer is slowing down.
    • Maybe we need to decided projects and sub-projects because TSC has decided that tools that support a single platform should be part of the platform project until they support more than one platform.
    • Maybe Convector re-brands as Composer 2.0?
      • Need to ask the Composer and Convector maintainers to see what they think.
  • Drafts for disussion: naming guidelines, Process and Best Practices
    • Knowing who to talk to about support and/or help when developing a name would be helpful.
    • Knowing the process for handling naming conflicts (e.g. trademark violations) would be helpful.
    • The role of the marketing committee could really help with an internal process for doing:
      • cultural sensitivities
      • good naming criteria
      • legal checks for trademarks
  • Formalized statement on 2FA
    • Around 50% of HL community has 2FA turned on.
    • No easy way to figure out if the non-2FA people are active contributors.
    • The git contributors shell script uses commit logs to get the email addresses.
    • Trying to figure out how to contact them to enable 2FA.
    • If you don't have 2FA enabled on Github, please enabled it now.
    • Proposal to send out notices for a set amount of time and then make the switch.

Quarterly updates

Upcoming items



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