Meeting time: 09:00 am UTC
Zoom link:


  • If you are planning on attending aries-vcx call, feel free login to wiki and update the agenda below to include your discussion topic / question
  • Alternatively you can simply join the call and we can discuss your questions and concerns (smile) 


  • Overview of recent work done
  • Check on work in progress
  • Upcoming work
    • Finish messages2 crate
    • Integrate messages2 crate into aries-vcx 
    • Typestate pattern 
      • credential holder (started by George)
      • credential issuer
      • presentation verifier
      • presentation prover
    •  [ vdr-tools, DID parser, did-resolver ]
  •  End meeting discussion
    • anything else that comes up to be discussed

Task backlog: 

    • Compile time protocol registry boundary
    • Apply state pattern for issuance, presentation state machines
    • Issuer with credx
    • Eliminate usage of MediatedConnection in tests (in favor of (non-mediated) Connection)
    • DDO as first class citizen
    • Create DID parser, DID type
    • Implement DID resolver
    • Add more typing across codebase
      • use did type, use url type, and others
    • New protocols: DidExchange protocol, Presentation Protocol 2.0, Issuance Protocol 2.0
    • Aries mediator client (pick protocol V2)


  File Modified
JPEG File hyperledger_antitrust_policy.jpg Mar 14, 2023 by Patrik Stas
Text File GMT20230316-085819_RecordingnewChat.txt Mar 16, 2023 by Ry Jones

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