

Discussion items

  • Preparation to the DSL RFC discussion
    • Prepared PR with the client logic
  • Reviewed currently active PRs
  • Supported the RFC which are on attention now
  • Going to proceed with RFC updating and produce issues
  • Egor Ivkov Do we have longevity stand
    • Yes, the stand is working, we need to start automated tests
  • Fixed the coverage issue, configured the coverage reporting
  • Now we have the badge on the GitHub for coverage, currently, it is not configured correctly.
  • Added asserts for the Torii benchmarks. Disabled logging which improves the results
  • Reviewed DSL and related entities in the data model
  • Started working on the Genesis Block logic, but faced that we cannot use it now. Created RFC for discussion
  • Create a PR with the improvement of initial domains and root users
    • Added explicit key
    • Added explicit domain initialization
    • Working on comments on that PR
  • Prepared containers for the testing (with CLI client)
  • Will start working on the issue with signature checking
  • Will start implementing features related to Polkaswap
  • Looking towards to decision with HTTP API
  • Reviewed RFC about DSL; also permissions and events were reviewed.
  • Started reviewing of documentation and preparation for making needed architectural diagrams
  • Today will start working on the Iroha 2 HSM integration
  • Reviewed the RFC about DSL implementation
  • Reviewed the ledger state issue in 1.2.x
  • Will work on reviewing RFC: DSL and HTTP client layer
  • Will take care of the structure of documentation in Wiki
  • Will organize the Community meeting