
Code & Projects

Hyperledger Aries

  • Preparations are underway for 1.0.0 release, the latest release candidate 1.0.0-rc1 comes with feature such as universal resolver interface to allow both local and external DID method resolvers. Another significant feature is full support for Hyperledger Indy transaction endorsement for Authors and Endorsers.

Noteworthy Pull Requests

Hyperledger Besu

Hyperledger Iroha

Hyperledger Labs

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You can find more Hyperledger calls and other events listed on the community calendar.

This newsletter is sent out to hundreds of Hyperledger developers. It is a collaborative effort. If you have a project release, pull request, community event, and/or relevant article you would like highlighted next week, please leave a comment for consideration.

  • @TBD add announcements, code & projects, articles, training & tutorials, events
  • Arun S M add noteworthy pull requests
  • Arun S M review code & projects
  • @TBD review code & projects
  • @TBD create the next newsletter and update the link
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1 Comment

  1. Please add to the Events section:

    For anyone interested in learning more about blockchain interoperability join us for a free online workshop on Monday, Nov 14 at 11am Eastern. Sign up now since space is limited.

    On Friday, Nov 18 at 15:00 UTC the developers of the fabric-chaincode-ocaml lab talk about their work and run a demo of enabling formal specification & verification of Hyperledger Fabric chaincode.