
  • Review additional feedback received. As a note, please keep adding your feedback to this page as you discuss with the community.
    • Discussed Firefly's feedback (see tab with notes)
    • We want to ensure we are making a decision that is based on split brain. Our public chat channels shouldn't be based on internal company's discussions.  A best practice is for a company to not use an internal forum to discuss a project but to use the community forums.
    • Tracy and Nicko believe we should be on one official platform.
    • Grace is not sure yet about believing we should have one official platform.
    • Discord feedback from Tracy: Generally noisy with many messages/notifications.
    • We have reached out to Fabric and Iroha and are pending their response to be included in our analysis.
    • The tension is between having one official collaboration space and meeting the communities where they are.
  • Review analytics from chat channel together as a team
  • Identify a few proposals to write up around how we proceed with chat channels. Assign owners to draft up each proposal.
    • Change to Discord Proposal - Grace to own initial draft
      • These proposals should include a side by side comparison of both RocketChat and Discord features
      • Change proposal should include clear migration instructions as well as expectations around Discord chat channel generally (who/how/when Discord should be used)
        • Channel naming conventions should be included too
      • Include cost adjustments that will be required - Ry Jones to add details
    • Unofficial Channel Recommendations Proposal (wechat, whatsapp, etc)

  File Modified
Multimedia File Chat Task Force 2022 01 19.m4a Jan 20, 2022 by Ry Jones
Multimedia File Chat Task Force 2022 01 19.mp4 Jan 20, 2022 by Ry Jones
File Chat Task Force 2022 01 19.transcript.vtt Jan 20, 2022 by Ry Jones
Text File Chat Task Force 2022 01 19.txt Jan 20, 2022 by Ry Jones

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