
Code & Projects

Noteworthy Pull Requests

Hyperledger Fabric

Hyperledger Iroha

Hyperledger Besu

Hyperledger Labs

Articles, Training & Tutorials


Upcoming Project Maintainer Calls

This newsletter is sent out to hundreds of Hyperledger developers. It is a collaborative effort. If you have a project release, pull request, community event, and/or relevant article you would like highlighted next week, please leave a comment for consideration.

  • @TBD add announcements, code & projects, articles, training & tutorials, events
  • Arun S M add noteworthy pull requests
  • Ry Jones add upcoming project maintainer calls
  • Arun S M review code & projects
  • Ry Jones review code & projects
  • @TBD create the next newsletter and update the link
  • No labels


  1. A couple of noteworthy items from the FireFly Project:

    1. These PRs were sent in earlier noteworthy list, now that they have been merged it becomes an announcement.

  2. Some news from Hyperledger Labs:

  3. Please add an announcement about the posting of the Community Architect job.  Some text you could use:

    "The Linux Foundation’s blockchain, healthcare, and identity projects are looking for a driven Community Architect who can foster a successful collaborative software development ecosystem. If you're interested in learning more about this opportunity, take a look at the Community Architect job posting."

  4. We could put in "last call for volunteers, mentors, speakers" for the hackathon that was posted earlier 10/15 (comments section).