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  • 翻译前请先阅读《术语表》,文中术语尽量按照术语表翻译,以免产生歧义;对于一些专有名词,容易引起歧义的单词,可以保留原单词不做翻译。
  • 文档语句采用逐字逐句“正翻”的方法,不可自由发挥,确保翻译的严谨性,但是为了保证语义通顺,请合理地调整语序,我们知道英文的语言习惯和中文是不一样的;
  • 在中文语句中出现的英文单词,应在英文单词前后各空一格,使文档保持美观。除非和英文单词相邻的是标点符号,这种情况可不加空格。
  • 翻译语句的标点符号请使用中文标点,避免中英文标点混用的情况。提示:英文中没有顿号“、”,所以都使用逗号“,”表示停顿,在中文翻译中请使用“、”替换。
  • 对于文中的引用、代码块、超链接,其内容可以保持原文,不强制要求翻译
  • 原文语句中的加粗、重点、斜体等标记,在翻译时也应该同样标记出来。



1) 注册 Github 账号,将官方仓库( Fork 到自己的仓库。

2) 下载 git,,安装运行 gitbash。

3) 设置 SSH:

a) 打开 git bash,输入命令:


cat .ssh/id

git config --global "自己的名字或者GitHub账户名字"
git config --global 自己GitHub的认证邮箱账户

b) 打开 github 网页,网页右上角 settings – SSH and GPG keys – New SSH key。将 cat 命令打印的内容拷贝粘贴到 New SSH key 里面。

4) 克隆仓库并更改 branch

a) 打开 github,找到自己 fork 的仓库,clone with SSH,复制

b) 打开 git bash,粘贴复制的内容
git clone自己的/fabric-docs-i18n.git

cd fabric-docs-cn
git status

c) 切换 branch(从master到1.4.0_zh-CN 或者其他需要翻译的分支)
git branch –a
git checkout -b 1.4.0_zh-CN


1.查看 issue 列表,根据当前任务的进度选择你要认领的任务。目前任务进度分为五个阶段:

  1. untranslated:尚未翻译
  2. transting:正在翻译
  3. unreviewed:尚未校对
  4. reviewing:正在校对
  5. completed:完成翻译并已校对,该标签的issue会被关闭







1)  编辑中文版(位置目录:fabric-docs-cn/docs/source)

选择合适的 md/rst 格式文件编辑器( typora,VSCode,Atom,vim等),直接编辑对应文件。(如有 IDE 则可直接编辑,rst 可在 上审阅)

2) 提交更改、signoff 及合并

cd fabric-docs-cn
查看文件变化:git diff (Ctrl+c退出)
git add docs/source/文件名
Signoff提交:git commit -s m "这里用英文写本次提交翻译了什么"   (注意加 “ -s” 参数)
git push

3)  打开Github:Pull request – New pull request,比较上传,申请合并(填写描述)


PR 被 merge 之后请去中文文档查看翻译内容是否已更新,如果没有更新请联系管理员。

Fabric Documents Translate Workflow

1. Prepare Documents Repository

1) Login Github and fork

2) Install git, more details see

3) Generate SSH key and it to your Github account, more details see

4) Clone the documents repository to your local use commond “git clone repo-url“, and checkout branch you want to use, like “git checkout -b release-2.0” it will change to branch release-2.0 which is Chinese translation branch.

2. Claim Tasks

1) Check the issue list,an issue have five phases now:

a) untranslated:The document is waiting for translatin

b) translating:The document is translating by someon

c) unreviewed:The translation is not reviewe

d) reviewing:The document is reviewing by someon

e) completed:The documets is translated and the translation is reviewed ,and the issue will be closed

2) Add a comment under the issue you want to claim, then wait for assigning by administrator. Like this:


3) If the list not contains the document you want to translate, make sure nobody has translated it, and then you can add an new issue,and leave a comment, then wait for assigning

4) Translate the documents after the administrator assigned it to youNOTE: If the issue is assigned more than two weeks, but not finished,anybody else can claim the issue again.

3. Upload Your Translations

1) Translate the documents with property editor,like Typora, VSCode, Atom, Vim. The source files are in fabric-docs-cn/docs/source directory

2) Commit and push your translation with signoff. The commonds are like this:

  • git commit -s -m “your message”
  • git push

3) Create a new Pull Reques in repository,you can find it by chose “Pull request – New pull request”, then compare changes and create a PR with a message for want you have done.Like this:

4) Waiting for merge by administrator

4. Check Your Trnaslations

1) After your PR merged, check the readthedocs ( for your translations, if it is not updated, connect with the administrator

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