
  • The right place to create an Anoncreds library: shared libraries export C-callable API, but the language doesn't matter (C, Rust, Go)
  • Aries-Framework-Go has a Verifiable Credential package that could be made available to other frameworks
  • Building a generic DIDDoc parser

  • Aries-Wallet is probably the right shared library to build first

Note: This call is Recorded. Recordings posted at the bottom of the page.


(7AM Los Angeles, 10AM New York, 3PM London, 17H Moscow)

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Welcome / Introductions


Summary of Prior Calls and Related Meetings

  • Aries WG
  • Indy
  • Ursa
    • Question for the Indy team on testing and deploying debian packages

Release Status

  • Aries-CloudAgent-Python ( - Release 0.3.2 has been tagged and is on PyPi
    • Support for RFC 0036 and RFC 0037 Credential Exchange protocols, 0.1 version of those protocols deprecated
    • Working on next release, particularly on revocation support.
  • Aries-Framework-Go (Troy)
  • Aries-SDK-Ruby (Jack)
    • Released as a Gem (0.0.3) due to Rails 6 issues
    • Developed docker image with Rails 6 (Ruby 2.5.1) with Indy-SDK to test Aries-SDK-Ruby via Dokku deployment
    • Needed for exploring concurrency and compatibility issues with Sidekiq, Resque, SuckerPunch, etc.
  • Aries-Framework-DotNet (Tomislav)
  • Aries-StaticAgent-Python - Release 0.4.0
    • Move from Pysodium → PyNacl
    • Improved module interface and routing.
  • Aries-SDK-Python - Wrapper from JeromK and SBCA?
  • Aries-SDK-Java
    • Aries-SDK subchannel / discussion aries-sdk-java
  • Aries-SDK-JavaScript
    • People are collaborating in the repo.
  • Indy
  • Ursa
    • Working on release of 0.2.0 (September / October)
      • ZKP  / ZKLang improvements
      • Debian packages
      • Refactor internal plumbing for anoncreds 2.0, shouldn't impact external interfaces
      • Refactor multi-signature BLS in addition to aggregated signature
    • Sovrin Foundation is looking to build a Indy specific Ursa,  with ZKPs. Other Aries clients would build a different Ursa.

Work Updates

RFC Progress

Other Business

  • Aries shared libraries export their API as C-callable, but the implementation language doesn't matter: C, Rust, Go
  • DIDDoc parser in Rust:
  • What is the next step we can take:
    • Richard's proposal for order of work
      • Move Indy-SDK into Aries-Core (October release)
      • Split out wallet into Aries-Wallet (November release)
      • Define the resolver interface (November effort)
      • Split out resolver into Indy-Resolver (December release)
    • Questions
      • Iterative approach: do something that we can improve on.
        • Start with the needs of the agents (Aries-Cloud-Agent) and build the Aries core architecture from that.
      • Maintain Indy-SDK alongside Aries-Core / Aries-Wallet / Aries-Resolver?
      • Who will be the maintainers of the new libraries? Do we want cross-organization PR reviews?
      • Best way to maintain history, and  make the reorg transparent
        • History continues public in Indy-SDK, so might be better to start clean in Aries
        • concerns with old DCO process: can use Mike Lodder's approach he used for moving indy-crypto to ursa
      • What to do with the Indy CLI?
      • CI / CD in Jenkins or GitLab?
    • Daniel's proposal for order of work
      • Split out Indy wallet into Aries-Wallet
      • Define the resolver interface and create the resolver libraries (indy and peer)
      • Wait on Aries-Core
  • Architecture of Aries core library

Future Topics

Action items

  • Schedule a deep dive into Aries / Indy architecture (Ken / Richard)

Call Recording

  File Modified
Text File dummyfile.txt Replaced video attachment for Atlassian cloud migration Sep 12, 2024 by Anton Baranov

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