- DIF Interop Project
- Aries DID Method Spec
- DID Resolution / DID Spec Issues
Note: This call is Recorded. Recordings posted at the bottom of the page.
(12PM Los Angeles, 3PM New York, Tuesday at 5AM Sydney)
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Anti-Trust Policy:
Linux Foundation meetings involve participation by industry competitors, and it is the intention of the Linux Foundation to conduct all of its activities in accordance with applicable antitrust and competition laws. It is therefore extremely important that attendees adhere to meeting agendas, and be aware of, and not participate in any activities that are prohibited under applicable US state, federal or foreign antitrust and competition laws.
Examples of types of actions that are prohibited at Linux Foundation meetings and in connection with Linux Foundation activities are described in the Linux Foundation Antitrust Policy available at http://www.linuxfoundation.org/antitrust-policy . If you have questions about these matters, please contact your company counsel, or if you are a member of the Linux Foundation, feel free to contact Andrew Updegrove of the firm of Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the Linux Foundation.
- Name (Organization) <email>
- Samuel Smith (prosapien etc) <sam@samuelsmith.org>
- John Callahan (Veridium) <jcallahan@veridiumid.com>
- Daniel Bluhm (Sovrin Foundation) <daniel.bluhm@sovrin.org>
- Troy Ronda (SecureKey) <troy.ronda@securekey.com>
- Stephen Curran (Cloud Compass/BC Gov) <swcurran@cloudcompass.ca>
- Daniel Hardman (Evernym) <daniel.hardman@evernym.com>
- Steve McCown(Anonyome Labs) <smccown@anonyome.com>
- Ken Ebert (Sovrin Foundation) <ken@sovrin.org>
- Anushka Soma-Patel (in my personal capacity) <anushka.somapatel@gmail.com>
- George Aristy (SecureKey) <george.aristy@securekey.com>
- Markus Sabadello (Danube Tech) <markus@danubetech.com>
- Richard Esplin
Welcome / Introductions
- Aries Workshop/Connectathon December 3-5 in Provo, Utah (details to follow)
- Other Announcements
Related Meetings Review
- Morning Aries Call -
- Ursa -
- Indy Maintainers -
- Implementers Call -
Upcoming Releases and Work Updates
- Aries-CloudAgent-Python ( bc.gov )
- Aries-Framework-Go (Troy)
- Project planning is being done via GitHub Projects (https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-go/projects with development tasks tracked at https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-go/projects/2)
- Current iteration focus is on framework infrastructure, envelope crypto, did:peer, DID web client resolution, DID exchange protocol, and a controller API to enable demos & integration/bdd tests.
- Aries-SDK-Ruby
- Moved to https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-sdk-ruby
- Released as a Gem at https://rubygems.org/gems/aries-sdk-ruby
- DIF Interop Project (15 min) - Orie
- https://github.com/decentralized-identity/interop-project
- What is the DIF interop project?
- How can Aries be used for Verifier or Subject roles in the project?
- What should I do if I see something that already exists in Aries?
- How can I contribute?
- Aries Community DID (and method) - How to make a base DID for protocols. (Daniel Hardman)
- Sam's concerns with diverging from W3C DID Resolution: https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-rfcs/issues/130
- Concerns that ephemeral DIDs are not supported in the W3C resolution spec
- IIW Targets as a community (Sam Curren)
- 6 Weeks to IIW
- DIF Inteop Components
- ACApy - OSMA Interaction
- Credential Exchange Protocols (1.0 → 0.4)?
- 6 Weeks to IIW
- Next Week's Call
- Docker for releases (Stephen Curran)
- Mailboxing messages
- RFC Review
- Open Discussion
Next Week
Future Topics
- DIF Interop Project - Who?
Status of language specific SDKs - Who?- RFCs Moving forward - Make your case
IOT - Summary (Robert M.)- DKMS status
- Signature Envelope (Kyle)
- DID Resolution (Sam Smith)
Action items
- Schedule a deep dive into Aries / Indy architecture (Ken / Richard)
Call Recording