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1. Introduction

Capital Markets are close to the ground zero of blockchain adoption: crypto-currencies, which were intended to ease the payment leg of remote transactions between parties. Crypto-currencies have since morphed into an asset class of their own. Creating credit, market analysis and forecasting for crypto-currencies has borrowed heavily from existing capital markets theory and practice. Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) based capital markets based use cases and some production systems have been created. The advantages of DLTs, including creation of a mutual source of truth between parties that do not completely trust each other and automated business logic through smart contracts are drivers for adoption in capital markets. Appropriate levels of transparency between counterparties, traceability and ease of regulatory oversight are additional advantages. 

Enterprise adoption has run into multiple challenges: operational deployment at scale across multiple organisations, integration into existing enterprise infrastructure as well as two-way bridges to off-chain data sources are some.  Further, the change has to be implemented in a heavily regulated environment consisting of multiple stakeholders from a variety of functions like legal, IT security, compliance and third party risk control. It is the aim of the capital markets SIG to bring together practitioners from all affected functions to discuss various implementation aspects of the technology relating to Hyperledger based DLTs. This needs collaboration between business and technology. Both groups need to learn from each other as well as find common ground to solve problems. The mission of the capital markets SIG is to provide such a platform and a safe-space for surfacing solutions and challenges.    

1.1. Mission

The Capital Markets Special Interest Group (CMSIG) represents industry professionals working together to study how Hyperledger DLTs interact with capital markets use cases. Issuance and trading of instruments to continued market-making, management of risk, program-trading, standards, regulations, capital requirements, traceability, post trade settlement, custody including corporate actions for capital markets. This group also explores architecture, identity and performance related considerations specific to capital markets and DLTs. Business and technology professionals from the capital markets world come together in this SIG to discuss, brain storm and learn from each other. 

2. Special Interest Group Scope

2.1. In Scope

The scope of the CMSIG shall include:

  • Identifying related proofs of concepts, current pilots, use cases and functional architecture in capital markets;

  • Sharing stories of successes, failures, opportunities and challenges;

  • Working with Hyperledger projects and Frameworks to learn from and provide feedback on solutions 
  • Identifying conferences or other opportunities to connect face to face, as well as submit talks or present as a group at an event.

The CMSIG may form subgroups or task forces to support, emphasize, or promote any of those items listed above. For a further exploration of scope look at this link.

3. Projects

We work on documents, diagrams, presentations, implementations or road maps of our projects. For the current state of existing projects, as well as outputs please see this link. We elaborate on the on-going projects below.

As we collaborate, all output is made available in the open. For ease of discovery, this material is annotated and labeled with keywords for easy searching. If any code is produced, the output will be easily downloadable and open source. Documentation and deployment will be made as friction-less as possible. SIG members who are in touch with practitioner groups as well as working groups, the technical steering committee and other SIGs will either bring knowledge of methods and practice from such groups or push out our findings to these groups to create synergy in the Hyperledger ecosystem. 

3.1 Taxonomy


4. Open Community

Hyperledger SIGs are open and global communities where anyone from anywhere can and should be able to participate, contribute, and access tools and information.  For example, this means that even with meetings that are held via teleconference, we have to involve those not on the calls who are online. Best practice in an open and global community is to keep in mind time zone differences of the group participants and make sure to include non-meeting participants in group discussions and decisions by active use of the mailing list, the wiki and Rocket Chat. All SIGs must adhere to the Hyperledger Code of Conduct and Anti-Trust Policy (see below) during meetings:

Anti-Trust Policy

Linux Foundation meetings involve participation by industry competitors, and it is the intention of the Linux Foundation to conduct all of its activities in accordance with applicable antitrust and competition laws. It is therefore extremely important that attendees adhere to meeting agendas, and be aware of, and not participate in, any activities that are prohibited under applicable US state, federal or foreign antitrust and competition laws.

Examples of types of actions that are prohibited at Linux Foundation meetings and in connection with Linux Foundation activities are described in the Linux Foundation Antitrust Policy available at If you have questions about these matters, please contact your company counsel, or if you are a member of the Linux Foundation, feel free to contact Andrew Updegrove of the firm of Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the Linux Foundation.

4.1. Transparency

Meeting details, meeting notes, and documentation shall be made publicly available. The following items shall be generated and made available to the community:

  • Wiki

  • Mailing list

  • Rocket.Chat channel

  • Meeting recordings

  • Github repositories (optional)

  • Jira (optional)

5. Collaborations

This SIG will collaborate with other Hyperledger groups, Linux Foundation Open Source Networking, the TSC, Linux Foundation staff, and the project maintainers. The Capital Markets SIG is interested in collaborating with other Hyperledger and non-Hyperledger groups that aim to identify and share blockchain solutions that increase impact in global development.

6. Membership & Governance

CMSIG membership shall be free and open to members of the community who have an interest in issues as they relate to the SIG topic technologies in general, and blockchain technologies. SIG membership is established by subscription to the mailing list.. All participation in the groups activities is voluntary. It is perfectly fine to listen in to a group and do nothing. Of course active contribution is our goal, but it is not a requirement for membership. Anyone can propose agenda items, activities, and work products. In work products, the only requirement is there's enough buy-in from community members to want to volunteer to complete the product.

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