Hello and welcome, dear HL Iroha user, contributor or just our guest!

Here we are collecting ideas for Hypeledger Iroha. Currently, we are working on planning of 2 versions: 

1)  v.1.x - improvements of the current Iroha version. Here local features or fixes can be suggested, like something you could use in your project right now;

2) v.2.0 - here we start collecting ideas for a very different, renewed Iroha - big global ideas are welcome, something, that could make Iroha the best blockchain there is. 

Please, let us know what you think in the comments for this page (do not forget to clarify, which version should have the feature, in your opinion)! 

If you have any ideas and would prefer not to share your name publicly, please let me know by e-mail: garifullina@soramitsu.co.jp or in Rocketchat/ Gitter/ Telegram: liralemur 

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  1. Hello All,

    I'm working on system for users who use electricity and consume energy. Useful for me are functionalities:

    1. Removing accounts (and of course permissions to remove accounts) - some people were asking at community chat. I've created JIRA first issue.
    2. Possibility to add some key-value information to asset (as optional information) - it is enough to add this only in creation time. Somebody created JIRA task
    3. It would be useful to add permission "can_get_all_detail" or "can_get_domain_detail" to allow creating accounts from which everybody can read detail. It would be useful to create info-account for global information in blockchain. I know that it can be simulated with adding signatory to info accounts.

    Currently I'm using version 1.2.1.

  2. Idea for the future. Ability to run many nodes on one machine in such a way that the network is simulated, while the time is virtual, this allows you to do many network tests without mass deployment. The disk problem is solved by sharing the common immutable part of Kura, but each has its own storage, which is optimized due to "copy on write" diff.

    I have already done similar simulations (in other projects) and they proved to be very practical.