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To people on the call and project objective


Steps to get firefly CLI and API running and ask for volunteers.



The link to FireFly CLI:
Recent Updates: 

Demo of FireFly CLI with Besu (

Update and proposed design for Custom On-Chain Logic

FireFly Improvement Request process

Open discussion

All the code is being uploaded at our Github:

Have each volunteer take note of steps taken to get a node up.  ( we will compile the notes from everyone's attempt into a Presentation at Friday's meeting.  ) 

LAB project

Enter Disparte Directories into Giving Chain Lab

View file
nameFirefly giving chain example November.pptx

Next Steps

Attend the FireFly community call Wednesday to troubleshoot issues. 

Re-group at Friday's Working Group call and begin work on How to Guide for FireFly

Discuss Powerpoint for Mentorship Final Presentation.  


Tech Meeting Agenda

  • Discuss Where we are - Done with requirements for the Mentorship program
  • Firefly Update and The Giving Chain Wednesday Firefly call.
  • Create list and post Issues we need the developers to work on:   WE NEED TO BE A LAB  Creating moving forward convenient call times.  Create a place for dev. to get tasks. 
  • Mentorship Program Presentation Hardik -
  • Help Bobbi install GO
  • Next step for Project

 Mona Demo (smile)


 Technical Meeting Agenda

Discuss Powerpoint
Go over Steps to creating a Hyperledger Lab


Tech Team Update:


Up Next:

Tech Team Update
Up Next.

Tech Team Updates


Part 1

Github Repository

Part 2
Play with Firefly CLI   (India Chapter youtube video has the best Demo)

Part 3
FIREFLY's API: API and it what order (Postman file getting started from Mona )

PArt 4
Token Connector?
From ff team: Postman queries for "Mint w/ Data" and "Transfer w/ Data" can work on the very latest FireFly code.

Donation part Complete - Hardik
Recipient part - NOT complete


Next meeting Monday 
Social Impact October 251 pm
Mentorship November 12th
Trade Finance November 17th. 

Powerpoint for Tuesdays Social Impact

Bobbi - Introduce Project

Madhu will Introduce the 2019 and 2020 project 
Hardik will explain the entire process registration to the Recipient then show a live demo. 
Mona and Hardik LIVE demo? not include the token transfer?

Bobbi Conclusion.

Mona, email Mona about the meeting Monday and Tuesday
Email firefly people about Monday meeting but at 1:30 pm EDT so we can have some time to get our ducks in a row. 


NEXT Steps 
Hadik and Mona will discuss what needs to be completed and make list.

User Interface: are these the four screens on the website, can it all be completed using Weebly, or do the customizations need to be done by a developer?  - 

Latest Marketing Video
View file
nameGiving Chain - Trade Finance Final 9-29-21.pptx

10/1 - 10/8
Notes in Tech Track.

9/20 - 9/30 Notes in Tech Track.


Working Group Call with FireFly

Gave a presentation to FireFly folks during their call and they will join our Friday Working Group call.



Tech Talks before Firefly

Mona Hardik Bobbi. 
Bobbi shared the PP presentation outline for Hardik and Mona to complete so we have our questions/ needs ready for firefly people.  

View file
nameGiving Chain 2021 FireFly Session Sept 15 .pptx


Confirmed Trade Finance dates Linked Post from Trade Finance

ToDo Prepare first of two presentations for Trade Finance Group

Verified Dates with Social Impact - 10/26, will get more details at Social Impact call tomorrow. 

ToDo Prepare presentation for Social Impact Sig - We advertise on Social media.

Business update

  • Shipped - Tee shirts to Madhu and Hardik Shipped
  • Transfer of Funds from Go Fund me.

Next Up ?


Verified Dates with Trade Finance group for Sept 29th and November 17th

Verified Dates for Social Impact October 26th

Mona has an NFT idea to present. 

Widget Connector

Will send out an invite to the group for the LDWG meeting at 1 pm if that time still works for everyone. Please add items to the agenda for discussion. 



Timeline (Bobbi)

Get the rest of the information for teeshirts and business cards

Business Update

 Update Promotional Powerpoint (Madhu)

Discuss Fund Transfer from Gofundme (w/d info) and Linux foundation (invoice)

Create an Excel worksheet with data points (Bobbi)

Technical Update

 Update on Firefly code (Hardik)

NFT idea (Mona)

Next Steps ( Invoice funds for UX designer) 

Next Plan

LMDWG Agenda for Giving Chain

'THE GIVING CHAIN'  updates: 

    Oct. 26 - Hardik Gupta, Madhu Bhatia from The Giving Chain

ANDREA, TRADE FINANCE SIG Greetings and salutations. The LMDWG call is today at 1pm EDT. I will be verifying the date with the team, looking at the dates Wed Sept 29th at 5 pm CET (11 am EDT) and November 17th at 5 pm CET (11 am EST). September 29 puts the project within a month of completion. The November date will be perfect for a Project Wrap up and Next Steps. I will let you know after our meeting today. Thank you for this opportunity. 

  1.  Mona BLOG  SO PROUD !!!
    Image Added

Report on FireFly CODING  Report 
Image Added PDF
Here’s what I did just now:
1) created a stack
2) ran it
3) it generated a web UI for each member I specified and I see dashboards on local ports
I just set up the blockchain in my local is all that happened.
It’s a good first step and happy to discuss, but of course still a lot more work to be done :)

I wanted to also share a quick setup doc I put together. I have attached it to this mail and will also post to our team page.
I have a feeling anyone that had issues setting up the cli was missing configuration of the go path.


Test Firefly solution  HARDIK

Compile all data from Project Days EXCELLENT JOB MADHU

Decide on donation distribution  ALL

Update Website -BOBBI

Send out tee Shirts - Need Mona's address, and email name and Hardiks Email name..



The team had a meeting to

  1. Review current PowerPoint Giving Chain 2021 September 3, 2021.pptx 
  2. Review the Data Collection points we must collect during this weekend fundraiser
  3. NFT - Discussed how we are going to build an NFT of each collection. 
  4. Discuss the FireFly and how we think it could work, we are going to work on it this weekend. 


The team participated in the FireFly developers call.  We will work on getting to know the code this weekend


Firefly call: Started with a description of the NFT tracking donations using the FireFly idea for the Giving Chain Project.

Hardik -  Discussed the solution Mona came up with and will incorporate into the documentation.

Please document the process of our project we can document it for LMDWG documentation collection. write about it. 

8/24 meet at the BCEMPLOY has international supply chain connections and can get delivery cost if we can come up with locations.  


Hardik gave a presentation to the FireFl people and they are coming to our Friday meeting. 

Link for our Next presentation

TF-SIG Special Meeting - 2021.09.29 "The Giving Chain: introductory meeting"


Hardik - PowerPoint for FridayPowerpoint for Friday PLEASE EDIT

View file
nameGiving Chain 2021 Promotion .pptx

Firefly: Sit in on Wed. meeting and talk about presenting our stuff to firefly after Sept 2.

Technical data for Monday 

Blog and Mona

8/20 See Business Track for meeting details.


SI - Community Presentations

Upcoming Meetings and Presentations


User Interface

Next Presntation :
Social Impact
Trade Finance







The Giving ChainHardik Gupta, Madhu BhatiaLMDWG MenteesOctober

Project Pages and Resources

From Mona

I can create a rough draft in word in the meantime, but would need to know the platform to use their editing tools. 
Of course, I would also share the rough draft and allow you guys to edit before posting anything.

I have a couple ideas I wanted to run by you guys as well from both technical and marketing perspective. 

One idea:
This platform on boards charities and accepts donations in different cryptocurrencies to that organization wallet address.
(Their team assists the nonprofits and works with them for setting up wallet, etc)

Since investors are keen on reducing their tax burden for crypto gains this might help with donations. 
Here I also have a link to their contact us/book a demo page:
They may also help with marketing promotion since we would be on their platform, absolutely worth bringing up.
If you'd like I am also happy to assist with getting in touch with them if you guys decide this is a good direction.

Another Aside: 
This is good to know from technical perspective. 
I started looking at Firefly over the weekend. Firefly has IPFS (interplanetary file system) integrations. 
I have passion and sufficient understanding of Web 3.0 tech since blockchain/crypto is my favorite area of tech. 
The IPFS project comprises the data layer of Web 3.0. If you'd like we can highlight this fact as technical promotion/marketing promotion since Web 3.0 is an interesting topic. 
Blockchain Social Impact Project + Web3.0 integrations?? Sounds nice :) 

This is just all food for thought, my intentions are simply just to help as much as I can within my capacity and availability.
For me, to see others benefit from this project is the biggest reward :)

Kind Regards,

Agenda Technical Working Group The Giving Chain


Fund Raiser - Go Fund Me Page

Image Added
 - Print out forgo for Go fund Me

-Social Media Blast for Fund Raiser

-Blog for Hyperledger  about project and fundraiser (Mona)

-WEB SITE Review  Tee Shirt Sales

-Collect mailing addresses for tee shirt delivery to project mamagersmanagers: Info for Email and Business cards POSTER DESIGN 

-Discuss product links

Art Show Entries

Image Added

Technical matters

Image Added

Sawtooth and GridKaliedo

Kaleido and FIREFLY
Other blockchains - BESU ?
Supply Chain Sig
Simba Chain

Project Catch up

Set up Go Fund Me Page


  •  Integrate  information  into a White Paper, , White Paper is your chance to incorporate new information after your submissions of weekly checkpoints.
  •  Prepare a 5-min video demo that includes the following:
    •  A description of your early stage idea: The challenge of your choice and the overview of your solution.
    •  An explanation of your business model: How does your solution create value and be financially sustainable?
    •  Prototype / Proof-of-concept: A minimum viable product that captures how your product functions.
    •  Timeline for sustained development: A plan for project's growth beyond the scope of the incubator.
    •  Bonus: Include how you addressed increasing Diversity and Inclusion. How did this goal impact your team, the product, the research methods, the target groups and any other way you came up with. (To qualify for The One World Award you also need to submit a 2 pager. see above)



Link for :
