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Welcome / Introductions


  • Bifold Meeting - Jan 16th (regular Bifold meeting time) Discussion of OWF move.

Release Status and Work Updates

Discussion Topics

  • 2023 Review / 2024 Plans Review
    • 2024-01-03 Aries Working Group Call
    • 2024 Aries Roadmap
      • Annual Report due end of Jan, meeting early feb
      • Complete Unqualified DIDs CCU
      • Performance Scale of Aries projects
        • Large number of users.
      • Awareness / Marketing
        • Publishing a scalability report
        • Visibility for implementations and deployments
        • Bhutan - Verity
      • Alignment / Interop Efforts
        • JFF PlugFest
        • Aries Interopathon
        • OWF
        • Open Agent Framework
        • Etc.
      • AIP 2 completion
      • AIP 3 definition
        • DIDComm v2 / Trust Spanning Layer
      • Ledger Agnostic AnonCreds support within Aries projects
      • OID4VC Protocol support
      • LTS Efforts
      • Aries RFC
        • Aries RFC Status Review
        • Aries RFC Publishing in nice format
        • Better 'Start Here' Documentation
      • Cloud Reaching Ideas
        • Let's discuss next week
        • Mobile fragmentation (protocol/format/crypto/versions of all)
  • 2024 Wishlist
    • What wild ideas do we have?
    • Demonstration / Documentation of additional DIDComm protocols of an interesting nature
      • expanded types of flows and interactions that benefit from VCs but are not focused themselves on VCs
    • Guardianship
      • Use of agents by parents / minors
      • incapacitated
      • not able to interact with their own wallet/credentials
      • allowing others to represent people by permission
      • related to 'break the glass' situations
      • example: foster system control of child passport, with mechanisms to manage control and access, and delegated control.
    • Broken / severed connection detection
      • visibility into which connections are still active, or have not been abandoned
      • Trust Ping?
    • Enhanced Chat
      • Revive this conversation again.
    • Better visibility of existing projects/deployments
      • collection of info perhaps on a wiki?
      • more informal, not necessarily a full marketing presentation on a project.
      • useful for testing an interop efforts.
        • which technical capabilities they have
        • Interop as a main value prop
    • More regular cadence for interop efforts 
      • maybe more informal?
      • quarterly, twice a year?
    • Regulatory Issues
      • encourage or fulfill those requirements
      • informally already
      • perhaps more regularly or more formally
      • outreach - communicating TO governments about what we think they should be mandating / selecting for projects
        • participating within the Identity SIG?
    • Libraries
      • Protocol handlers
      • ACA-Py used as lilbrary?
        • Documentation?
      • AFJ as Library
      • Perhaps Rust via Uniffi?
  • WG Changes for 2024?
    • DIDComm related work
      • inclusion of (instead of linking) externally defined RFCs
      • possible code updates / replacement for
      • DIDComm UG needs better input on time slots for meeting
    • Alignment
    • Cross org checkins on a monthly(?)/quarterly basis?
      • Coordinated by the Org EDs to define the structure and schedule and format.
  • Open Discussion

Other Business
