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  • April 7, 2020 at 8 AM Pacific


  • Welcome everyone from the SIG chairs
  • Walkthrough previous sessions and Agenda for the day  (Martin)

  • Upcoming meeting schedule and important dates

  • New SIG member introductions (All)

  • Discussion topics for the SIG members: 
    • Working Groups Creations - assign leaders
    • Other ideas for coming sessions
    • (add discussion topics here)
  • Webinar share outs by Members (2x 15 min slots):
    • (Martin W) Share out of the Open Climate Collabathon and Earth Day events
    • ...
  • Wrap-up and next steps




  • Welcome and catch up on previous session from Co-CHairs
  • Share outs from new members: Anshu Jain and Ed Rodriguez with a background on asset management and looking at climate change and blockchain for how to improve reporting and risk management considering stranded assets. 
  • Share outs from David.B and Paul Klick, dialing in from Sweden and ex IBM looking at how to get action into the SIG. 
  • Discussion about the role of working groups and the role of members to take leadership in heading those up. Proposals for WG are here for member to propose and lead.
  • Martin W shared about the Open Climate Collabathon, an initiative that span out of the Yale Openlab to create global collaboration around a climate accounting system.
    • The opportunity can be for the HL SIG to act as a Node or co-organizer of the initiative since its an open collective. 
    • Earth Day launch will include 6 Open Climate Dialogue sessions for all SIG members to attend, and much of the organization work is done by a network of volunteers so its open for contributions. 
    • One suggestion by Paul Klick is to organize working group of the SIG to develop prompts and challenges that can be worked on at the Collabathon level. Great idea and a good way to drive action. 
    • More info on the collabathon and synergy opportunity will be sent to the email list