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  • New Bifold Architecture
    • Presentation - James Ebert
    • Open Discussion
  • Internationalization
    • Tablet Support?
  • Dark Theme vs Light Theme
    • With the ability to decide
  • Application Storage / Settings
    • Can be very opinionated vs providing defaults
    • Some kind of interface for user settings
    • Need a good way to group settings into category
    • Tiered components
      • Settings List > Category Component > Individual Setting Component
  • Process for becoming a committer
    • Outlining the process for the PR reviewing
      • Checkboxes should be paid attention to
  • NPM release strategy
    • Create a Bifold namespace
      • Start with a core package
      • @aries-bifold/core
    • Gradual transformation
  • Support for .svg's & .png's
    • We do currently support
    • This needs to be a development task to document/address
  • Boilerplate / script
    • React Native Template
    • Binaries
      • Shared components
        • Using auto-linking
    • Metro bundler configs
  • Expo – not opposed, but caution is beneficial
    • Prebuild command
    • Animo has done indy building
    • Native code – possibility?
    • Should be investigated/discussed
  • Testability
    • How do we represent all the different states of a component?
    • Storybook? - should have some discussion
      • Can be a standalone
      • Environment variable
    • Mocking helps define the externalizations
    • Keep the barrier to entry low
    • Need to be testing the visual look of the component
    • Makes sense for complex components
  • UI/UX Direction
    • Need multiple ways to do a wallet – such as credential focused vs chat-based
  • Need to start
    • New repo needed - aries-bifold or aries-bifold-framework, aries-bifold-native-libs, aries-bifold-core
      • James to talk to Sam about attribution recommendation
    • React Native Bob – can we symlink a submodule? Meaning we have the existing repo aries-mobile-agent-react-native have a aries-bifold submodule
    • What does testing setup look like?
    • Roadmap
    • Storybook demo



  • Bifold AIPv3 wants/needs discussion
  • Lanugage Discussions, Indy wrappers, Shared Libraries
  • Updating Bifold to AFJ 0.3.2
  • Followup Architecture Discussion
  • Ad Hoc topics


