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Project TitleHyperledger Fabric - Hyperledger Aries Integration to support Fabric as Blockchain ledger for Aries.

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Hyperledger Aries currently support only Hyperledger Indy blockchain. Verifiable credential(VC) and decentralised identifier(DID) standard & specification emerged in last few years. Trust over IP , Sovrin network, covid credential initiative  are using Indy & Aries technology framework. 

Hyperledger Fabric general enterprise blockchain framework and most used Hyperledger project, latest Forbes Blockchain 50 report shows that 60% companies using Hyperledger Fabric for their enterprise grade blockchain. All the major cloud provides fabric as BaaS( Blockchain as a Service). Currently every identity/credential application using Indy/Aries stack to build W3C complaint VC & DID applications. There will be huge adoption and applicability of Hyperledger Fabric & Aries integration project.

As per Hyperledger project governance there should be Hyperledger project interoperability to huge adoption of Hyperledger technologies.

Additional Information

Self - Soverign Identity application is an application by which you are able to keep your identity secured and at the same time also prove your identity to the verifier without revealing them. These applications are built using Hyperledger Aries, which depends on Indy as a Distributed Ledger and Ursa as a cryptography library. 

Currently, the most used Blockchain platform is Hyperledger Fabric. And the businesses that are building solutions using Fabric want to have some sort of identity verification to be done in their platform. 

This is the reason, why this project has come into existence. Once done it would enable Aries to interact with Fabric as a ledger, which would then enable SSI applications to be built on top of Fabric.  

Additional Information


Aries RFCs

Fabric SDK Node

Aries Framework Javascript

Learning Objectives

Hyperledger Fabric Architecture & SDK/API


VC/DID standard and Application

Expected Outcome

HyperledgerFabric Arieschaincode &that fabricconsists Wrapperof orDomain AriesTransactions willthat havehappen support to use Hyperledger Fabric as Blockchain for storing credentialsin Indy.

Wrapper in AFJ that interacts with Fabric.

Relation to Hyperledger 

Hyperledger Fabric & Aries Integration  will help to achieve Hyperledger project interoperability  and adoption of Hyperledger Aries Libraries in other Hyperledger projects like fabric.


Build production grade Hyperledger Aries to support Hyepledger Fabric as Blockchain. This project could be merged with Hyperledger Aries SDK to support Fabric as ledger.

The chaincode can be submitted to Hyperledger Labs, where it can be maintained and developed further.

Preferred Hours and Length of Internship


Kamlesh Nagware, Snapper Future Tech,


Harsh Multani, AyanWorks,

Project Results

Relevant Project repository:

Final Report

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nameFabric - Aries Presentation.pdf