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  • New Indy/Aries/Ursa edX course, now online - enroll now!
  • Dec 25th and Jan 1st calls cancelled canceled for holidays
  • DIF Alignment call tomorrow Noon US/Mountain

Related Meetings Review

  • Ursa - Progress on packages and Plenum work.
  • Semantics - ODCA pilots underway - The agenda, video, notes, etc. from the HL Indy Semantics WG call: 
  • DID UX Call - Slack/Mailing list - details in the shared document as well minutes and additional information, currently focus on Purpose Based Services
  • SSI in IoT WG
  • Indy Contributors - Richard Esplin (Mon) - 
  • Identity WG / Identity WG Implementer calls (Wed / Thurs)
