

Discussion items

  • Currently working on the synchronization issue; fixed it successfully. Checked it on the longevity stand.
    • Stepan supported the testing on longevity
    • Sync working as expected
  • There is one more issue found on the Bakong dev stand
  • There are 2 PRs from Mikhail Boldyrev waiting for review
    • Will try to check them today
  • On LinuxONE: we found an issue with dependencies on the machine. I am looking at the ways how to solve it.
    • Now everything works, but packages cannot be built.
    • After solving, we will have the possibility to create packaged Docker image, available to use on other LinuxONE machines
  • Will research the issue on the Bakong dev stand
  • Still working on the DB reconnection issue, there are new problems arriving on the go
    • Finished during the meeting
  • Prepared slides to the Member Summit
  • Working on the other organizational work
  • Andrei Lebedev: We need to solve a question with the Doxygen integration → will create a task
  • Checked the NFR in the list of requirements
Stepan Lavrentev
  • Currently, the issue with sync is done
    • Waiting for the finalization of the sync on the longevity stand
  • Iroha 2 longevity stand: we checked hypothesis about the block creation timeout error
    • The case was not confirmed. All ports are open and available.
    • We can shut down the stand until the development team will come back
  • Will check the DB connection issue by Mikhail