

Discussion items

  • Synchronization issue: Stephan is collecting data about the situation
    • Mikhail is in the context of the solution
  • There are some issues on Bakong dev stand related to signatures collection
    • Will take a look on Monday
  • Updated Ubuntu on the CI environment because of issues with GRPC and Python
    • Fixed the problem, no new issues encountered
  • Merged the fix with the asset precision problem
    • Approved by Stephan
  • Merged the update related to storage fix which is related to connection to PostgreSQL
    • Need to have additional testing, related to Burrow
  • Need to fix and merge the PR related to GRPC security issue → Mikhail Boldyrev
  • No updates on Linux ONE
  • Working on the personal project.
  • Need to finalize the decision about a fix to GRPC-related PR
  • Working now on the border cases and solution of the DB connection related issue
    • Found a more elegant way of fixing the problem - through failover callback
    • Will add the task for the technical debt
  • Started working on the Test Network for Iroha 2
    • Probably we need to ask for resources from HL to run the test network
  • Thinking about the member summit presentation
  • Communicating about Turkish translation, solving the problem with versions
Stepan Lavrentev
  • Testing the solution of synchronization
  • Checked precision-related fix
    • There is an issue related to minting assets in case of the asset with high precision
  • Iroha 2 CLI is not ready to be used for Test Net
    • Also, we need to create correct access scenarios
  • Python lib was updated
    • Multi-hash is hardcoded for now, there is no lib used; technical debt

Action items
