

Discussion items

  • Merged PR with MST fixes
  • Continued reviewing Burrow integration, will merge the PR today
  • Have a call about the Utility service integration
  • Will proceed with further review: MST, Burrow docs, etc.
  • Continued reviewing PRs
  • Need to fix issues in the Burrow PR
  • Will fix tests in the Utility service
  • Put the 1.2 tag to all own PRs, related to release
  • Decided to postpone the 1.1.4 release because of the consensus-related issue with the failed test
  • Fixed issues related to the query GetReceipts, after few iterations of decision
  • There are two PRs for the review; today will finish with the review of these 2 PRs
  • Starting from the Monday will switch mainly to the internal project
  • Making PR for multi hash documentation right now, will finish today, need review
  • Reviewed the Burrow PR, added needed tags; 
  • Fixed test on EngineCall, it was red
  • Fixed the number conversion approach; fixed related test
  • Need to rebase the Burrow branch before the merge
  • During the EVM startup, we are using Debug keys. Need to change it for the production.