

Discussion items

  • Finished with internship-related tasks (selection of candidates)
  • Will help Stefan to solve questions with multi-hash
  • There are open questions with the selection of the crypto-provider backend (Ursa, Utimaco, etc.), need to discuss
  • Will fix PRs according to comments
  • Will discuss the multi-hash with Mikhail
  • Reviewed PRs for Burrow, there are some fixes needed
  • After fixes, we need to merge Burrow-related PRs and continue with the review
  • Tested Burrow integration using the prepared contracts on Solidity
  • EngineReceipt query has some strange behaviour, needs review/discussion
  • Started review of the Burrow documentation PR. There is a small issue with the query EngineReceipts interface.
  • Will continue with tests and make the query work correctly
  • Interviewed several interns
  • There some tests which are fixed on MST
  • Mikhail Boldyrev > I will fix my PR, which caused the order issues with tests.
  • Will proceed with GetEngineReceipts improvements
  • Needs somebody to talk with active community members, who want to build a solution on the top of Iroha. 
  • Mikhail Boldyrev  > I can help here. Andrei Lebedev will cover the Iroha 2 related questions.
  • Will fix comments on documentation PR
  • There are some activity in community chats, will take care.
  • There was some interesting communication during the Consensus conference.

Action items
