

Discussion items

  • Fixing documentation for Burrow. Will add solidity modules for "Read the docs" platform
  • Joseph is a good guy, I will try to help with supporting him
  • Fixing multi-hash PR according to comments. Almost ready to be reviewed again.
  • Added command for CallEngine as distinct PR
  • Can take some tasks from Burrow integration
  • Eugene Kovalev > I need support on the binary interface for Burrow.
  • Mikhail Boldyrev has MST-related PR to review after I finish planned changes
  • Working on finishing query. Today uploaded C++ to review and SQL part.
  • Will create tests for query permissions
  • Mikhail Boldyrev > there is also a code, which can be used for adding logs to the storage. Hence, we can also automate testing of query call
  • Will have a call with Mikhail to discuss tests - at first.
  • MST fixes will be tomorrow
  • No updates for today.
  • Checked multi-hash update from Mikhail. There was no answer on the second comment.
    • Mikhail Boldyrev > I am suggesting another approach, hence we can keep the PR as-is for now.
    • I agree with the arguments, hence we can keep types as-is in the current PR state
    • In modern CMake, we should not do the dependencies globally. 
  • Will be available for review unpredictable, as now on the study.
  • Fixed Go-part of the VmCall operation. 
  • Tests are successful, but they are not covering all functionality.
  • Performing manual tests. There are some issues in the Burrow→Storage interface with GetAccountAssets query.
  • Also, need a fix in the log saving method.
  • We need to concentrate on the features to finish the release
  • There is one person, Joseph Nicholas Alcantara, who wants to be full-time contributor to Iroha. We will keep him updated and try to integrate into the development process.

Action items

  • Sara Garifullina organize telegram chat for the contributors and try to join it with Rocket Chat.