Archive of meeting notes of the Contributors Call in 2022
Meeting Agendas and Notes
2022-03-29: Indy DID Method Specification Call
- Update from the implementation team
- Status of work – wrapping up
- Use of did:indy identifiers/URLs in objects shared across participants
- Open PRs and Issues
2022-03-22: Indy DID Method Specification Call
- Update from the implementation team
- Discussion about indy-vdr and multiple ledgers
- Open PRs and Issues
2022-03-15: Indy DID Method Specification Call
- Update from the implementation team
- Handling self-certifying DIDs using the new algorithm
- Open PRs and Issues
2022-03-08: Indy DID Method Specification Call
- Update from the implementation team
- Open PRs and Issues
2022-03-01: Indy DID Method Specification Call
- Update from the implementation team
- Open PRs and Issues
2022-02-22: Indy DID Method Specification Call
- Update from the implementation team
- Discussion: Using Indy SDK in the testing of the "did:indy" version of Indy Node
- Discussion: Transitioning to the new "self-certifying" DIDs enforcement
- Open PRs and Issues
2022-02-15: Indy DID Method Specification Call
- Update from the implementation team
- Open PRs and Issues
2022-02-08: Indy DID Method Specification Call
- Meeting Cadence – weekly for 30 or 60 minutes
- Open PRs and Issues
- Update from the implementation team
- Interesting questions leftover from the last meeting we held, way, way back when...