





Discussion Items

  • out of memory issues on the CI for Node v16.14.2
  • PR to add new maintainers
  • ad-hoc
    • Takuma submitted material for Hyperledger Global Forum panel discussion. Firefly team also submitted one from them. Whether these will be one or two sessions is up to organizer's decision.
    • Security audit report from Tevora came in: no risk found - material will be shared to maintainers by email
    • Collaborations with outside: scheduling is a problem because there are many timezones to consider

  File Modified
Multimedia File GMT20220509-230407_Recording_1920x896.mp4 Dec 06, 2022 by Ry Jones
Multimedia File GMT20220509-230407_Recording.m4a Dec 06, 2022 by Ry Jones
File GMT20220509-230407_Recording.transcript.vtt Dec 06, 2022 by Ry Jones

1 Comment

  1. Ry Jones Thank you very much for uploading the recording!