



Discussion items

  • (1) Vipin Bharathan presentation: Digital Currency interoperability

    • Topic: Interoperability usecase template (ITU) such as CDBC

    • Q. Shingo: There are a lot of kinds of multiple choice of ledgers. How system is suitable?

    • A. There are 2 types. One is a system. The other one is between two systems. DLBC, trade finance, ...

    • Q. Enrique: How to address on Cactus, isn't it?

    • A. This is the kind of scope, network-layer, semantic-layer, ... Each layer

    • Q. Shingo: If you send a template to Cactus mailing list, they can fill out the contents of the template.

The as-of-yet unfinished items from the previous meeting (might have time to finish some of them after the planning but that's unlikely since the planning always takes longer)

  • (2) How could we improve pull request review velocity?

    • Shingo: One of the suggestion is preparing life-cycle issue list.

    • Enrique: On each contributors meeting, PR reviewing time is needed.

  • (3) Consortium Management Plugin

    • Shingo: Cactus Node doesn't have multiple channel. This is a single API server and accepting ledgers requests.

    • Peter: Consortium plugin gives the ..

    • Shingo: Management policy managed by the system?

    • Peter: End-user

    • Shingo: Then, Cactus Node server can be accessed all end-users, isn't it?

    • Peter: Yes.

    • Shingo: I consider to accept it, but some usecase using client server and core server is needed. There are some dangers.

    • Shingo: Self-signed http server has no trust. Checking identity is needed. CA is needed.
      In our architecture, we prepare Verifier including public key and Validators including private key.

    • Enrique: Is this a traditional way?

    • Shingo: How to reach the server is not traditional.

    • Enrique: Does this require open or closed network?

    • Shingo: Service provider has no information of ledgers in most cases.

    • Hart: How to move CA style? LedgerPlugin needs CA style.

    • Enrique: Manually update everyone.

    • Shingo: We should consider about the trusted third party like PKI. In Validator case, it is satisfied.

    • Enrique: This is good idea.

    • Shingo: This is compromising point.

    • Enrique: How to continue the discussion on the topic and HTLC?

    • Shingo: This is midnight time on Japan, so please go to e-mail discussion.

    • Peter:

  • The following agenda was not discussed due to lack of times
  • (4) Smart Contracts in Cactus (HTLCs, Federated Validation, Trusted Relays, etc.)

    • About the function of getSmartContractList: Design_of_getSmartContractList-2021-04-19

  • (5) refactor: dangling package.json inside packages directory #682 #719

  • (6) Commit message format in (point 6 of the PR Checklist section =>

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