



Discussion items

  • (1) Fabric root README file

    • about README stype

    • For now, move GIF demo image to subdirectory

    • Final decision will be discussed separately (-> v1 plan. related with (4))

  • (2) Reminder of Peter's email: Rotating meeting schedule

    • Peter proposed rotating 3 meeting schedule

    • Rotating 3 meetings is agreed. The detail will be discussed on another meeting.

  • (3) Reminder of Peter's email: Pull requests for CI fix need to be expedited

  • (4) Discussion about Cactus future design Cactus_future_design-2021-03-23.pdf

    • About the proposed way to absorb difference between DLTs

    • Enrique questioned some points, but the discussion time is over. The discussion will continue on meetings after next week.

  • (5) Ad-hoc items

    • Blog posting about v0.4

  • About the next meeting

    • The next meeting's discussion point is releasing v0.4

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