DescriptionThe Technical Working Group China/超级账本中国技术工作组 (TWG China, or TWGC) is a bridge between the global Hyperledger community, and the emerging technical user and contributor community in China and the greater China region, including Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Please see  Charter  for the full text of the charter.

Three liaisons are appointed by Linux foundation to help the work, including Donald Liu(廖享德) Min Yu(余敏) and Scott Long(龙文选) .

TSC Working Group Updates


The Technical Working Group China/超级账本中国技术工作组 is responsible for growing the Hyperledger developer community in China by responding to new user questions, helping with first-level triage of community-reported bugs or other issues, helping demonstrate to new developers how to report bugs or fire pull requests, and pointing motivated developers towards the project roadmaps and development initiatives at the global Hyperledger web sites.  It should also make sure to expose new users to the broad range of projects at Hyperledger.



  • 为新人答疑,提供项目路线图以及当前开发计划的网站资料
  • 对社区反馈的issue和bug进行初步引导分流
  • 引导新开发者创建issue,创建补丁(拉取请求)
  • 为新人呈现现超级账本旗下项目的广泛性和多元性
  • 全球超级账本社区与大中华地区用户、开发者之间的桥梁。


All Hyperledger meetings are run covered by the following Antitrust Policy.

Teleconference bi-weekly meetings on Wednesday 08~09 PM (GMT+8).

双周电话会议举办时间为隔周三,晚上 08~09点(北京时间)

Welcome to join the next meeting using Tencent meeting


How to Get Involved

Setting up an LFID


  1. Mail-listSubscribeArchives
  2. Discord
  3. City-based Wechat groups (join via those owners)
    1. Hangzhou (linalee1005)
    2. Dalian (cn8888898)
    3. Shenzhen (RichZhao)
    4. Wuhan (grapebaba)
  4. Project-based wechat groups (join via those owners or admin)
    1. Fabric (soulsai, guoguojiannan)
    2. Cello (teknic)
    3. TWGC  (teknic, davidkhala)
    4. Fabric Python SDK (teknic)
    5. i18n & edu (yycheng418)

Working Areas

The team is working together in the following areas:

Development and Innovation(开发创新)Help lead the development of hyperledger projects in code, tutorial, demos, with instructions on maillist, rocketchat, etc.
i18n and Education (国际化教育)Help lead the documentation writing/translation, seminar and education/trainings
Collaborations and Scenarios (合作应用)Help encourage the collaborations between organizations and projects, with landing more scenarios/apps
Events Organization (活动组织)Help instruct the events organization like meetup/hackathon

Committee Board

NameOrganizationEmailLocationWechat ID
袁怿(Sam Yuan)IBMyy19902439@126.comBeijingoe19901019
程阳(Yang Cheng)CAICTchengyang418@163.comBeijing


刘宇翔(David Liu)Oracledavid-khala@hotmail.comHongkongdavidkhala

Retired  Committee Board

NameOrganizationEmailLocationRocket.Chat ID
杨保华(Baohua Yang)Oracleyangbaohua@gmail.comBeijing@baohua
赵振华(Zhenhua Zhao)WeBankzhao.zhenhua@gmail.comShenzhen


郭剑南(Jay Guo)RootChainguojiannan1101@gmail.comBeijing@guoger

Active Members/Volunteers


Archived Doku Wiki.

Recent space activity

Space contributors



  1. Hi tem , 

    Sorry for interruption. I am from pansuke island and  interested in proposing far east version of regional chapters. 

    Would you mind sharing info for meetups and other activities holding across the country? 

    1. You could see those in section: Events Organization

      And welcome you to participate our bi-week meeting via zoom (in mandarin Chinese)

      1. Thanks to you for an invitation. Unfortunately, i can not speak mandarin at all although i really wish i could.(sad)

        If we are going to hold hackathons down the road,  you guys may be interested in giving us  support like sponsorships? 

        1. Hyperledger community is not organized in a similar way as other blockchain community. We come together with code and developer volunteering. 
          And it is not welcome to wild chat here. 

          For further discussion you could rocketchat me @davidkhala

  2. 你好,我非常有兴趣参加你们6月17号的meeeting,请问我需要报名吗?还是到时候直接加入会议即可?谢谢

    1. 会议开始时直接进入会议室参加即可,会议信息在这里: 2020-06-17

  3. 为什么页面上的腾讯会议链接失效了呢?能否更正信息到正确链接。

  4. Jack ZhuHi Jack, 我才看到这个消息,你是说的哪个链接失效了?



  5. 谢谢,我尝试了现在的链接可以。

  6. 最近group有什么进展吗?能否把相关信息或者活动展示出来,方便查看呢?

  7. Jack Zhu 最近活动应该都停了,周例会我偶尔上去也没人主持和参会了