A small number of project maintainers have mentioned that they do not see the benefit of project reports, especially for projects that are small, as well as, projects that are extremely active. There is a concern that project reports are "busy work" and only seen by a small number of people. This document attempts to capture the known places where project reports are used besides by the TSC members to understand the health of the project and its community. Project reports are:

  • provided to the Governing Board on a monthly basis in the TSC Update
  • used to highlight interesting updates to the Governing Board about the projects
  • used by the TSC chair to provide project updates at both the annual Member Summit and Global Forum 
  • used to share interesting information with member companies by both the staff and TSC members
  • suggested as a point of reference by the Learning Materials Development WG to newcomers to determine if a project would be worth joining based on information like the contributor diversity, as well as, the type of feature work that is ongoing within the project

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1 Comment

  1. Would it help if we have a section in Hyperledger's website, an executive summary section? This is a section that tells what's happening/what's latest in each one of the Hyperledger projects. The quarterly reports that the TSC receives will be fed in there. We can revisit the format of the report if needed.