If you have any questions about the election, nomination, or you think you should be eligible to vote but are not showing up in the online check tool, please email election@lists.hyperledger.org
- Self-nominations for the TSC election will open on
- ✓ The community architects will export contribution data from the Insights tool to gather the email addresses of contributors and update the eligibility check site. The export will not include data from the community's mailing list and chat channels.
- ✓ Publish the email template for submitting nominations and open the call for nominees.
- ✓ Communication sent to all eligible voters announcing the call for nominations (to include an email to the lists for projects, labs, WGs and SIGs plus communication through Github and the member and developer newsletters to reach anyone not on those lists). TSC will be notified via email that the announcement has gone out.
- ✓ Communication sent out about checking for eligibility to vote
- ✓ Communication about nominations and eligibility check sent to all eligible voters two days prior to the close of nominations as a reminder.
- ✓ Nominations close EOD Pacific. Go through activity log of the election list during the nomination period to see if any nomination statements were tagged as spam and rejected. Follow up with people as needed.
- ✓ - Send nominee checklist email to nominees to 1) confirm their nomination and 2) remind them to add a nomination statement page.
- ✓ Formally announce the slate of candidates.
- ✓ Open the TSC election voting via OpaVote. An email will be sent to all eligible voters with information about casting their ballot
- ✓ TSC will be notified via email that the announcement has gone out.
- ✓ Email sent to all eligible voters to remind them to vote.
- ✓ Email sent to all eligible voters two days prior to the close of voting as a reminder.
- ✓ Close voting 11:59 PM PDT/GMT-7
- ✓ Email sent to the TSC mailing list announcing the results of the election.
- → - Incoming TSC elects new TSC chairperson.
The Hyperledger Charter §4.a.ii defines the technical steering committee.
- Steady State: After the Startup Period, there shall be a nomination and election period for electing Contributors or Maintainers to the TSC. The TSC voting members shall consist of fifteen (15) elected Contributors or Maintainers chosen by the Active Contributors. An Active Contributor is defined as any Contributor who has had a contribution accepted into the code base during the prior twelve (12) months. The TSC shall approve the process and timing for nominations and elections held on an annual basis.
- Maintainers: Contributors who have the ability to commit code and contributions to a project’s main branch on an HLP project. A Contributor may become a Maintainer by a majority approval of the existing Maintainers.
- Contributors: Anyone in the technical community that contributes code, documentation or other technical artifacts to the HLP codebase.
Q: How does one qualify to be able to vote or be nominated?
A: The Charter states "Anyone in the technical community that contributes code, documentation or other technical artifacts to the HLP codebase."
The Community Architecture team gathers this information together by exporting contribution data from the Linux Foundation's Insights metrics dashboard. This dashboard tracks activities from people who have contributed to the community Github and Confluence tools. There is also a form where people can petition about other technical contributions that have been made.
Q: How do I nominate myself or another person to run for a TSC seat?
A: First determine if you or the other person is eligible, see above. If you are nominated somebody other than yourself, please contact them first and ask if they would like to be nominated. Then send an email to the election mailing list with the subject "TSC Election Nomination" with the following message:
Dear Election Committee,
I nominate myself/<nominee's name> for the TSC election. My/their email address is <email>.
<your name>
Q: Somebody nominated me for the TSC and I do not want to do it, what can I do?
A: All nominees will be asked confirm whether they want to be considered for the election. All you have to do is either respond to that email with "no" or email the election@lists.hyperledger.org mailing list to say you do not want to be considered for the election.
Q: I think I should be eligible to vote in the Hyperledger TSC election. How do I appeal to be included?
A: Send an email to election@lists.hyperledger.org with the subject "Voter Eligibility" and the following message:
My name: <your name>
My email: <your email>
I believe I should be able to vote in the TSC election because.... <your reason for why you think you are eligible>
Q: I didn't get an email. How do I check?
A: You can use our online eligibility tool to check if your email is in the list of our eligible voters. You should check that email address you used at GitHub. We have had many complaints of them getting sent to spam. We are working on this but it is best if you whitelist hyperledger.org. If your email address isn't in our list but you believe it should be you can appeal by following answer to the above question and send an email.
Tracy Kuhrt
Can we clarify whether we will also accept nominations to the eligible list from the WG chairs? We have had this argument many times in the past. It would be good if we suggest a charter change if we are going to continue to make an exception to the charter.
Danno Ferrin
Since we will be using insights to pull confluence, chat, and mailing list activity will that impact WG activity discovery?
(a) will that include the Working Group wikis, chat, and mailing lists? I see TWG China is a sub group, will that be expanded to all WGs?
(b) If the former holds true, is there a case where a WG member would be eligible who did not participate in the Wiki, chat, or mailing list?
Tracy Kuhrt
Good points. This would mean we can get away from WG chairs nominating people. Assuming insights is used, there is potential to also pull in people from SIGs and/or non-technical areas that we have not included in the past as well. I mention this only so that we are making deliberate choices by moving to utilizing insights.
David Boswell
+1 to Tracy's and Danno's comments. Insights will pull data from SIG and WG activity so I don't think Chair nominations are needed. And as in previous years there will also be a way for people to petition for eligibility if they weren't included in the Insights data for whatever reason.
Vipin Bharathan
There are some gotchas. For example, for presentations, I personally add the recordings and the presentations, although the contributions were by people who did the presentation. My name will come in thru insights not the real contributors...
David Boswell
Vipin Bharathan – Thanks for flagging that. You're right that pulling Confluence data won't necessarily capture all relevant WG or SIG activities. Like previous years we'll provide a process for people to request being added for eligibility if they aren't included in the data export.
Vipin Bharathan
This is why chair nominations were used. Any friction in getting into the rolls results in low participation of the real contributors (eligible voters).
So we have
RealContributors→Electoral rolls→Actual voters
Actual Voters/Electoral rolls = participation rate
Eligible contributors/Electoral rolls = registration rate
When I monitored the election in 2019- participation rates were in the range of 30%- in 2020 we did not do this.
in 2019 there was a process for getting people into the rolls thru WG lists, I had asked for SIGs to be included- which was not done- I think the charter is pretty clear (SIGs were not around when charter was created)
Now with automated insight records we will get better at identifying eligible contributors, however I fear we will miss people.
The real ratio of Eligible voters/actual voters is an unknown- anything to improve any part of this ratio will enhance the strength and diversity of the TSC.
David Boswell
Vipin Bharathan I agree with you that lowering friction to get on the rolls is a good thing to do. Thanks in advance for helping the members of your SIG and WG with checking their eligibility and following the process to get added if they aren't in the export of data from Insights. We'll be communicating next week on many different channels about how people can check for eligibility and this will include reaching out to Chairs of WGs and SIGs to ask them to help their active members with the process.