

OutcomeYes. Community diversity metric will not change in the incubation exit criteria.
Minutes Link2019 12 19 TSC Minutes

Overview of Proposal

The Project Incubation Exit Criteria includes the following:

  • The project must have an active and diverse set of contributing members representing various constituencies

  • The project is not highly dependent on any single contributor (there are at least 3 legally independent committers and there is no single company or entity that is vital to the success of the project)

These are in practice difficult to measure. Defining some metric would make the process more objective.

It should be noted that if it is decided to forgo the Incubation state this issue becomes moot.

Formal Proposal(s)

Maintain status quo. No change to Incubation Exit Criteria.

Action Items

  • Type your task here, using "@" to assign to a user and "//" to select a due date

Reviewed By


  1. Metrics are easy to game thus making them subjective too.

    1. I agree.  This is why I think we should just publish as much data as possible.

      But I'm not sure the current process is very illuminating to outsiders.  Active status says "the TSC says this project has enough community elements in place to be a diverse open source project."  That's not very precise and it's hard for outsiders to understand when even the TSC cannot agree on the bar.

      1. I actually doubt the public at large interprets the active status for what it is. It is most likely merely interpreted as meaning that the project is somehow more advanced than a project in incubation.

        1. Then what is the point?  I've argued previously (although not in a recent email) that no one outside really notices this, either.  If no one is interpreting it correctly, why should we bother having it or spending time at TSC meetings discussing it?

          1. Hey, you're the one saying we're not ready to drop it but we should talk about it more! (smile)

            Re: Forgo the Project Lifecycle Incubation state

            1. Got me there (wink)  

              I'm hoping some discussion now saves a lot of discussion later...

              I'd personally be ready to drop it, but I doubt there's widespread support for that at the TSC.

    2. > Metrics are easy to game thus making them subjective too.

      Indeed, this is what I tried to say on last week's call. I don't know that there is a good way to solve this problem.