Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit our Code of Conduct: Hyperledger Code of Conduct


Quarterly reports

  • 2022 Q4 Hyperledger Ursa (due )
  • Please review any outstanding quarterly reports by checking your tasks

Upcoming reports



  • Proposed Task Forces based on our goals discussion. Prioritize and confirm chairs.
    • Best Practices for Automated Pipelines

      • how to produce and publish artifacts
    • Project Best Practices

      • gather current best practices
      • determine gaps
    • Badging/Lifecycle

    • Documentation

      • Common styling
      • Common publishing platform
      • Best practices for creating documentation, including information on tooling and the audiences
      • Create a template repo
    • Onboarding
      • SIG Chairs

      • TOC members
      • Maintainers
      • Developers/Users
      • Contributors
      • Citizens (community members)
    • Supported Project

      • Related to Hyperledger, but maybe not blockchain (ZKP, for instance)
    • Security - Vulnerability disclosure

      • Document default template for vulnerability disclosure processes for Hyperledger projects
    • Security - Artifact signing

    • Others?

Project Proposals (from hyperledger/hyperledger-hips)

Backlog (from hyperledger/toc)


  File Modified
Text File dummyfile.txt Replace video attachments for Atlassian cloud migration Sep 17, 2024 by Anton Baranov
Text File dummyfile.txt Replac ZIP attachments for Atlassian cloud migration Sep 17, 2024 by Anton Baranov
File GMT20230126-150130_Recording.transcript.vtt Jan 26, 2023 by Ry Jones

Attended by:

  • No labels