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  • Default maintainers policy for projects without one (issue, PR)
  • Inactive repository policy (PR)

Task Force Discussion - Project Families Website Revamp

  • Functional Grouping Proposal

    Functional Group / Tag


    General-Purpose DLTBesu, Fabric, Iroha, Sawtooth
    Verifiable Data Registry DLTIndy
    Verifiable Credentials, Decentralized IDAries, Indy
    Deployment AutomationBevel, Cello
    Cross-chain InteroperabilityCactus
    Performance BenchmarkingCaliper
    DLT DashboardExplorer
    Connectivity/Integration GatewayFireFly
    Industry-Specific (supply chain)Grid
    DLT Building Blocks (transaction lifecycle)Transact
    Common Crypto LibraryUrsa
  • Website Personas
  • Proposed new Getting Started page:

    The goal of this page is to present a lot of detailed information about projects to help people find the one that is right for them – for example, I want a project that supports a specific token type and a specific form of consensus. A challenge here is how to provide a lot of details around multiple projects in a way that is consumable, so filtering is a big part of the interface.

Project Proposals (from hyperledger/hyperledger-hips)

An error occured while executinng macro:

Access token 9 not found


Backlog (from hyperledger/tsc)

An error occured while executinng macro:

Access token 9 not found



  File Modified
Text File dummyfile.txt Replace video attachments for Atlassian cloud migration Sep 17, 2024 by Anton Baranov
Text File dummyfile.txt Replac ZIP attachments for Atlassian cloud migration Sep 17, 2024 by Anton Baranov
File GMT20220428-134937_Recording.transcript.vtt Apr 28, 2022 by Ry Jones

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