Project Health
Health is OK. The project is following the plan to focus on API Engine and front end.
We have retired one maintainer Tong Li.
- Continued API Engine and front end.
- We have a maintainer to lead the presentation of Cello at HGF.
- The internship project, we have selected top 3 candidates from 39 applicants.
Required Information
- Have you switched from master to main in all your repos? no
- Have you implemented repolinter.json in all your repos? no
The project is seeking for more front end developers to help on the dashboard. Currently we have only one active developer that knows front-end skills.
Still working on v1.0.0 (In plan)
- New API-Engine based on the distributed governing model;
- Support fabric 2.2 LTS;
Overall Activity in the Past Quarter
This quarter, we mainly have been focusing on Development of API engine and front end.
- Completed the front end basic work.
- Continued development of API engine.
Current Plans
Finish the new API Engine | 50% |
User dashboard | 20% |
Enable Docker Agent | 90% |
Maintainer Diversity
1 maintainer is retired. Current there are 3 maintainers, and those active developers who contribute to cello continuously (3 month) will be nominated.
- Baohua Yang (Oracle)
- Haitao Yue (YiJianTianShu Technology)
- Qiang Xu (H3C)
Contributor Diversity
This quarter, we have a total of 3 contributors from two companies.
Additional Information
Insights from February 28, 2021 to May 29 2021 ,can be found at Cello stats for last quarter.
Reviewed by
- Angelo De Caro
- Arnaud J Le Hors
- Arun S M
- Baohua Yang
- Bobbi Muscara
- Danno Ferrin
- David Enyeart
- Gari Singh
- Grace Hartley
- Hart Montgomery
- Maria Teresa Nieto
- Mark Wagner
- Nathan George
- Tracy Kuhrt
- Troy Ronda
Arun S M
Thank you for the crisp report. I have few quick questions
qiang xu
1Yes.this month I’ll finish switching from master to main.
2.we have found a partner who is interested in the fronted.
Tracy Kuhrt
When will you switch from master to main in your repos?
qiang xu
I’ll finish it this month ,if that’s mandatory or just recommended