HL Iroha
Project Health
The last quarter was not a very active one from the code perspective although the chats are very much alive, we receive questions (and reply to them), and although there are not so many new contributors but there are new users who, we hope, might join as contributors someday. The atmosphere in the community is great. Burrow integration is almost completed. Talked to Explorer maintainers and working closely with them to add Iroha support into their master branch.
We also started collecting ideas for new versions of Iroha – to make it better.
A book was published in Japan about HL Iroha
Questions/Issues for the TSC
We do not seem to have many questions at this point.
We did not have releases in this period (since we've been preparing the 1.2 with tricky integrations).
Last release was Release 1.1.1 on 20th of September
Overall Activity in the Past Quarter
Code-wise, we've been concentrating mostly on ITF, testing and finishing integrations with Ursa (as it is only possible now to build the project with it – we want it to be also applied in the runtime) and Burrow (lots of testing required as it is a difficult project to add). Chats are active, we might get more attention as a big project on Iroha was announced publicly.
Another thing that happened is that we changed the schedule of calls - now they are bi-weekly and start earlier.
Current Plans
We are planning 1.2 release (maybe with 1.1.2 first) – it will include the final version of Burrow integration and an audit is planned for it. Also, we are collecting requirements and ideas for new releases (if you have any, let us know!). Also, we are preparing our maintainer, Andrei Lebedev for HGF, so he could talk about Iroha there.
Maintainer Diversity
Alexander Lednev joined us (iceseer on GitHub)
Contributor Diversity
We've got a contribution from claudiocandio as a new contributor.
Still looking for more contributors.
Additional Information
No additional information, it seems.
UPDATE from 13th of February: we also fixed Iroha SDK for Caliper and waiting for a review:
Reviewed by
- Angelo De Caro
- Arnaud J Le Hors
- Christopher Ferris
- Dan Middleton
- Gari Singh
- Hart Montgomery
- Mark Wagner
- Nathan George
- Swetha Repakula
- Tracy Kuhrt
- Troy Ronda
Arnaud J Le Hors
What is the "big project on Iroha [that] was announced publicly"? Could you please provide a reference?
Sara Garifullina
We started talking publicly more about Bakong - national payment system of Cambodian National Bank:
It was in testing (with several banks only, though with real money in real stores and with real people) for some time and it is getting fully operational now, afaik.
Mark Wagner
How many maintainers and what is the employer diversity of the maintainers?