
Hyperledger Explorer

Project Health

Project health is green. We released Tags  v0.3.9.1 in support of Fabric 1.4. We use all of the following to help keep project health green: JIRA, RocketChat, email, Gerrit, Jenkins, Github, Zoom and Skype. Questions asked via rocketchat are being answered in a timely manner. For greater efficiency in this regard the FAQs page is updated with every release. Good mix of background of contributors from front-end to back-end however more community involvement is strongly encouraged and welcomed!


Maintaining contributor diversity.

Releases : release of Hyperledger Explorer was put out on February 28, 2019 in support of Fabric 1.4

Overall Activity in the Past Quarter

In this quarter April-May 2019, aim was to redesign Explorer to use advantage of discovery service, gateway (fabric-network package), and support for fabric-ca server along with minimal configuration. Automated deployment of HL Explorer is available here

Current Plans

Graduating HLExplorer from incubation. 

Bug Fixes. Ongoing enhancement in support of fabric 1.4's latest features.

Maintainer Diversity

No new maintainer were added.

Contributor Diversity

Current contributors are from DTCC and Fujitsu, There is some interest shown by members wishing to join the effort but no active contributions yet.

Additional Information

Reviewed by

  • Arnaud Le Hors
  • Baohua Yang
  • Binh Nguyen
  • Christopher Ferris
  • Dan Middleton
  • Hart Montgomery
  • Kelly Olson
  • Mark Wagner
  • Mic Bowman
  • Nathan George
  • Silas Davis

  • No labels


  1. Can you please comment on whether and how explorer has approached design for accessibility?

    1. I'm not aware of such design in our roadmap.

      1. It is highly desirable that all user interfaces are designed for accessibility. Please consider adding this to your roadmap. 

        1. Created Jira,  Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error.

  2. Can you please comment on whether you have made progress on supporting other HL stacks? I recall some in depth conversations in Toronto, but I don't see any updates on the topic since then.

    1. Theoretically HL Explorer is compatible with any HL Fabric platform blockchain if configured properly.

      1. Hyperledger has a few other stacks including Indy, Iroha, Burrow, and Sawtooth.

  3. I'll reiterate the point I made last time this came up. I think it is the responsibility of projects, or users of those other projects  to engage and help implement the integration.

  4. Dear TSC members, HL Explorer project is maintained by 2.5 resources.